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Hobbies by KaiClavier (critique requested)

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Hobbies (critique requested)


...What happens when you do plan out a stop-motion animation!

This is my first real animation with puppets. My camera seems to alternate between "warm" and "cool" photos, and I'm not sure how to fix that, at the moment. whoops my colour balance was set to auto...

All content belongs to me.

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    THIS IS SO AWESOME!! *hugs

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    this is really awesome, wow I wish I could do stuff like this

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      You can do anything, if you put your mind towards it! I'd be happy to give you a few pointers on where to get started with animation. :D

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    Woah! Its neat!

    The video quality looks fine to me, but if you really want to fix that and don't know on the camera, I would use Adobe After effects to change the color balance in certain areas!

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      Haha, yeah... a friend told me that I had my camera's colour balance set to auto, so... I guess that solves that. x_x

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        Also..Thats an adorable mini sketchbook

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          Thanks! It was a very fun prop to make. It has the same size ratio between me and the puppet, which was uhh... 5.8 times smaller than an actual 8.5"x11" sketchbook. I actually used parts of my actual sketchbook to make it, but the wire is just the same aluminum wire I used for the hands of the puppet!

          I should make more tiny sketchbooks, sometime... they're neat. :p

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    Hehe, I like this hobbies too. I laughed when you turn on music XD

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    This is wonderful!