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Nissa Jayvyn Application by Kaeilia

Nissa Jayvyn Application


My official application with Nissa.

Name: Nissa Jayvyn
Age: 367
Height: 5'2 (or 0'7 in her original form)
Weight: 80 lbs. (or less than 1 lbs. in her original form)
Species: Ellylon (fairy)
Faction: Adonis

Nissa was born in a glittering world of magic, glitz, glamour and parties. The fae are notorious for their merrymaking, and she was no exception to this stereotype. Like most other fae, she began her life playing mild tricks, ignoring other races for the most part, and partying like there is no tomorrow. But, like some of her kind, she had other more serious interests and grew tired of the partying life after 150 years or so.

Always having a love for reading and gathering knowledge, Nissa flittered around looking for an interest and found it in alchemy. Though she can perform some minor magic, alchemy remains a little beyond her comprehension, which makes it far more interesting. At the moment, she's dedicated much of her time to finding, collecting, and selling the most perfect and high quality alchemy items and reagents possible.

Nissa is a fun-loving fae who is generally light hearted and happy. She does have a few anxieties, but is generally pretty good at hiding them and staying light hearted. Like other fairies, she cannot feel guilt. This is what allows them to justify kidnapping human children and replacing them with changelings, for instance. She is incapable of it, but she has spent a long time observing humans and can emulate some empathy. She is prone to bouts of anger, but they art intense and short lived. She seems to forget these incidents and puts them behind her quickly, and expects others to be able to do the same. She enjoys reading and her quiet time, but doesn't like to be alone for too long.


  • Shiny objects, especially jewels and fine metals
  • Creating sculptures from her 'found' items
  • Playing with animals and children, as long as it's not for long periods of time
  • Making music
  • Partying and other social gatherings
  • Making friends
  • Organized chaos


  • Being alone for too long
  • Things flying at her face, especially wasps
  • People who hold grudges
  • Heavy foods, especially meats
  • Sudden, loud noises

Main Powers/Abilities:

  • Nissa has mild disguise magics. She uses this power to change her size, sometimes change her hair color and rarely to change her eye color. This power can only be used on herself and can only make one or two small changes at a time. She is, however, beautiful in an almost magical way without any glamours. This is a gift of her fae lineage.

  • Nissa has fairy sight, which allows her to see in the dark and see many things that would be concealed or go unnoticed by others. This can stretch to some minor glamours such as her own, but does not work with invisibility.

  • Nissa, as most fae are, is gifted with language. She can pick up and speak virtually any language, sometimes without thinking about or realizing it.

  • Nissa has mild healing magic. This magic only works through enhancing the natural healing properties of a herb, and does not work like a true spell. It is more of an enhancement of the natural. She can not make a plant heal something it does not already have the ability to heal.

Additional Information:

  • Nissa's bones are hollow, as are those of most fae. This allows her to fly faster, but makes her much more breakable. This is not a special ability, it merely allows her fragile wings to actually carry her larger body.

  • The key she wears around her neck is the only item she wears that does not shrink with her body when reverting back to it's natural size.

  • Nissa lives in a tree, and ent for her area of forest is named Quietnut.

Submission Information

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