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Toothless by K-10



Toothless! I recently saw HTTYD2. :3

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    where the hell do you live? im in america, we usually get movies first

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      Australia! We got it a tad earlier than you guys in some places :O.

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        i'd shake my fist angrily then i remembered the food i had there was so god awful.

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          C'mon dude we got beer and kangaroo meat what's not to love lol

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            9 out of 10 poisonous animals living on your island... the most godawful shitty internet i have ever seen, censored video games. having to import everything when buying online. etc.

            however florida isn't much better. run by lex luther at the moment, full of old bastards, meth labs, dead hookers, and so much humidity. i'm moving west to colorado or something. perhaps denmark even

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              Hahaha yeah those things do suck. Except the poisonous animals thing, you're incredbily unlikely to ever come in contact with a life threatening amount of poison.

              And don't get me started on our leader. Yesterday he went to Canada and called it "Canadia" in front of their parliament.

              I'd like to visit florida some day, I love the warmth. :)

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                fun to visit, not so much to live in. with warmth comes bugs, many bugs, and humidity. i hate sweating if i so much as take a deep breath. i want a snowy wasteland for a yard half a year.

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                  Hah yeah I suppose. I live in tropical Aus, it's pretty humid most of the time here too.