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Serena's Sweet Scent by justanotherken

Serena's Sweet Scent


“Look, if you don’t think you handle something this simple, I can just as easily get someone else,” your boss flatly stated. You wondered again why he hadn’t asked someone else as you followed him through the hallway. It didn’t help that he had been extremely vague on what it was exactly you were supposed to do anyway. It was supposed to be your weekend off, but your boss had demanded that you do this ‘simple assignment’ for him.

You begin to reply, “Mr. Richards, you still haven’t tol-”

“Excellent point, Hart, you’re the only one I can trust with this. Hell, I don’t even trust my own wife these days, spending my money left and right. Who spends $100,000 on bottled water, honestly? I bet you anything it was from the tap. Keep up, Hart!” Mr. Richards commanded, calling you by last name as always instead of your first name. You briskly walk slightly behind yet still in your boss’s vision. That was the proper position according to him after all, having learned since day one as his assistant.

“Sir, please, I’ve said before that my name’s-” you try to speak up again, but find yourself cut off once more.

“Ah ah ah, details details, Hart. You focus too much on the little things and you’re gonna miss the big picture. You remind me of my second secretary, big idiot always insisted on being called Rupert, what kind of name is that?! Anyway, progress is essential in this world, Hart, I think you know that.” You groan inwardly at his neverending banter. You would think you’d have gotten used to this over the past six months, but it seemed to get worse if anything. He was the epitome of every horrible corporate boss imaginable put into one: rude demeanor, bad combover, and a very, very short temper.

While your boss continued to lecture on about ethics, or rather his lack of, you glance at the walls you pass through this long hallway. It was shady to say the least, this ‘clean’ facility that Mr. Richards had taken you to tonight. Everything was bathed in brilliant white lighting from the overhead bulbs, yet there was a distinct feeling the place had not aged properly just by judging the cracked and discolored tiles.

“Hart! Are you listening? I’m telling you important advice that will change your life! Now hop to it, we’re here,” Mr. Richards barked, coming to a halt before an imposing steel door. He scowled ahead and quickly tapped a four-digit password into the adjacent keypad. With a loud whoosh, the door slid openly quickly and allowed you two entrance.

You started to piece things together more as you followed him inside and looked around your surroundings. Multiple tables bearing experimental tubes and various items lined throughout the room, like something you would see out of a typical laboratory. However, not a single soul was around except for you and Mr. Richards. The overhead lights flickered for a brief moment, but remained on as you followed after your boss.

“What I’m about to show you, Hart, is strictly confidential. Remember when I bought out Greenfield Industries and fired all those worthless employees? Well, turned out they had some long-term contracts with some hunter abroad, big idiots. He just sent in this giant shipment earlier this week and I think it’s going to turn some heads,” Mr. Richards explained. He stopped abruptly and turned to point a meaty finger in your face. His expression turned even more serious, you were surprised that was still possible from his usual facade. “But not yet. This needs to be a secret until I get some scientists I can trust. That’s where you come in.”

Your boss immediately turned back just as fast as he had stopped and led you to an enormous glass case. It was filled with a plethora of fauna and trees, almost a miniature ecosystem contained before you. You’re about to ask just what it is you’re supposed to do, but he quickly interrupts.

“Damn thing, where is it?! Tell ya, the hunter said it was extremely intelligent, but I think it’s dumber than a box of rocks. Makes up for it with appearance though, just like my wife. Never was a sharp one, but when she’s under the covers~”

Your focus on his words instantly dissipates when you see ‘it’. All your attention is captured. A familiar captivation rushes back to you from memories of your youth. There, resting upon itself in the center of the fake jungle, is the most beautiful giant python before you.

Your long-forgotten fascination slams into your mind like a ocean wave crashing in a storm. You want to identify the serpent as a reticulated python, but never had you seen one this large. The python’s scales seemingly glistened from the overhead lights, enormous pillowy coils stacked over one another. Mesmerizing colors of white, yellow, and lavender swept across its body, leading to a rather sizable head. Strangely though, you had a sense that this python was female just judging by facial features. Her eyes flickered, turning in your direction. She slowly raised her head and regarded you curiously. You couldn’t explain it, but there was a light of awareness behind those deep purple eyes. It was almost as if-

“HART! Snap out of it, damn thing’s not gonna bite ya! Now, there’s plenty of food left over from when those nerds left this place. All I need you to do is stay here over the weekend, make sure no meddling reporters get in to ruin this. Oh, also, don’t forget I need that annual report done as well. Board of Directors will eat us alive if you don’t get that finished. Best of luck, Hart.” Upon that rapid-fire of information, Mr. Richards began to backtrack through the room quickly.

You finally break out of your stupor and call after him, “Sir, I don’t think tha-”

Your boss grunts and turns to face you from the door. “Don’t worry, Hart, it’s locked in there. It ate recently anyway so you don’t even have to trouble yourself with that. Just play house-keeper until I get back, you’ll be fine,” he calls out, slamming the door behind him.

A series of beeps echo from across, followed by a loud clang. Whether you liked it or not, you were now locked within the empty lab. You collapse onto a nearby chair and place your hands over your face, muffling your frustrated scream.

It was garbage situations like this that really made you question why you still worked for Mr. Richards. Many others would have definitely quit by now, but you were not many others. That much was established as you now sat inside this rundown facility, alone for the weekend. The reward would most certainly be worth it as you were looking at a sizable income and the potential to live luxuriously for the rest of your life. You just had to press on.

You stand up from the chair and start toward the back rooms of the lab, hoping there’s sort of living quarters along with the food and bathroom Mr. Richards had mentioned. However, you stop right in your tracks when you notice she is still watching you.

“Uh.. hi there,” you mutter stupidly, half-heartedly waving. The python remains still for a moment, but she slowly nods her head.

You’re speechless for a moment, wondering if she somehow understood you. Your eyes trail down her neck, leading to the gigantic coil mounds of her body. It was almost entrancing, the sheen and gorgeous colors of her scales. The way her coils curve around and around herself and make you think how soft and comfortable it would be wrapped u-

You mentally curse yourself for that line of thinking. That was how accidents happened, you needed to clear your mind of those old foolish fascinations. You shake your head and proceed to walk by her cage.

“I’ll, uh, be back, I gotta get something,” you say aloud to the python. As you pass by though, you smell an alluring aroma. It’s sweet and you can almost taste it, but you can’t pinpoint what it is. You almost forget what you were going to do, but you snap back and proceed to the kitchen.

Entering the back rooms, you realize everything within the food storage is canned goods and there appears to be nothing fresh at all. You mutter angrily, but grab a can of crushed pineapple to munch on while you work on the report. It was late in the evening, but a small snack and some brief work would help pass the time until you were tired.

Before you knew it, several hours had passed and you had devoured severals cans of pineapple yet made little to no progress on the report. Annoyed, you shut off your tablet and head back to the main room, the lab. Your earlier search for a bed had been in vain, but you did find some spare blankets. It would seem you’d have to sleep on the floor though. You strip out of your business clothes and down to your underwear, bunching the blankets under your arm.

As you glance around for a spot to sleep, you notice there’s a padded mat in front of the python’s large cage. There’s still that sweet smell in the air, but you pin it as the earlier pineapples. However, you also notice that she is watching you again. There’s no hint of malice or animalistic drive, but somehow a soft, welcoming gaze. She really is a beautiful snake. You say as much aloud, “You are so gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” she replies.

Your mind practically derails as you try to comprehend what just happened. This python has just spoken to you, thanked you even! She understood you and spoke! This was beyond belief, this was-

“Eh heh, it must really be either really late or those canned pineapples had some hallucinogens packed in. I better call it a day,” you mutter aloud. Your deductive reasoning is a bit skiwompus, but those two causes are the only explanation. Right?

“G’night, Hart,” the python says, somehow smiling.

You simply chuckle nervously and put off the talking snake, deducing that it’s just in your head. “Yeah, g’night.”

As you start to drift off to sleep in front of the cage, you can’t help but notice that aroma is somehow stronger and that she is still watching you.

You awake with a start, breathing heavily.  You’re still on that pad upon the floor, bundled up in blankets.  You had another one of those dreams that you had thought you had put off completely.  Snakes had been a passion of your’s as a child, almost an obsession to be honest.  You loved the feel of their scales, their tight embrace, everything about them.  It was all rushing back to you again.  

You had been dreaming of the python.  She had been beckoning you with her tail, her coils so inviting.  Just when you were about to touch her, that was when you woke up.  You don’t know how long you were asleep, but it feels like it wasn’t long.

As your heart began beating normally again, you notice the smell from earlier is still very potent, maybe more so.  It’s so very sweet yet seems to drain you with each inhale.  You sluggishly turn your head and realize that you’re right next to the cage.  Not only that, she’s right next to the glass as well.

“Pleasant dreams?” she asks.

You want to question everything that is going on, but you feel like your brain’s still sluggishly processing things.  Unfortunately for you, your lust is winning out as you gaze upon her coils.  They still look so beautiful, so inviting-

“Your body must ache so bad from sleeping on the floor.  There must be somewhere more… comfortable for you to relax,” she suggests.

You look up into her eyes, seeing a trace of deviance behind them.  However, you’re still distracted by those pillowy coils and that alluring scent in the air.

“What’s.. going..” you struggle to say, but everything seems slowed down.

“Ssshhhh, it’s okay.  Do you smell that wonderful aroma?  It’s even better in here, why don’t you come in?  You won’t regret it, gorgeous,” the python invites.

Against alarm bell trying to ring in your head, you begin to rise from the floor.  This has to be a dream still, right?  Why not humour her and take a sniff?  

You reach over to the cage’s door and turn over the key, unlocking and entering inside.  You’re bombarded with that same aroma, but it’s incredibly strong inside the cage.

With your perception in slow motion, you watch the python stroke your arm with her tail.  Suddenly, your arm tingles and a warmth travels up into your mind.  That same brain-addling sensation you had has just multiplied itself tenfold and you feel incredibly sleepy.

“My name is Serena.  That wonderful scent you’ve been experiencing all night is my pheromone, gorgeous.  It takes a bit of time to work just through the air, but you’ll find contact is a lot more… instantaneous,” the python says, stroking your other arm.  

Just as she said, you feel another wave of warmth travel up into your mind.  Thinking’s become so difficult for you now.  Everything’s so tingly and you feel safe and relaxed.

“You need to stop stressing, Hart.  Leave all that thinking to me.  Tonight, it’s just you and my coils.  Don’t they look so comfy?” Serena asks.

“Yes,” you slowly reply.  Your mind has become so clouded, yet so focused on her coils.  They really do look comfortable.  

Serena nods her head up and down, you mimic your movements.  “Glad you think so.  Now, why don’t we get you nice and coiled up?  Would you like that?”

“Yes.. please,” you manage to say.  You want this so bad.  Those coils, that intoxicating smell.

“Good.  Please stand up straight for me,” Serena commands gently.

You eagerly, yet slowly straighten up for her.  The python smiles and her tail slithers toward your feet.  It lightly caresses and loops around your ankles, that same warmth you felt on your arms radiating from your legs now.  

“One,” Serena says, smiling still.

Her tail unwinds from the coil mound and you silently wish that all of her body finds itself around you.  The touch is luxurious and even just her tail-tip feels substantial enough to weigh you down.  However, you don’t want to disobey Serena at all.  She just wants to make you feel nice after all.

Another coil winds itself around your knees, the girth of it nearly as wide as a small tree.  You can’t even see your feet past them.  Not that that matters as the additional coil presses more of that heavenly pheromone into your system.

“Two,” Serena sweetly states.

Her tail advances further and you feel swayed by the added weight.  However, the irresistible python has you in her grasp.  You trust her, you’re not going to fall.  An additional coil finds its way around your waist and stomach, your legs are now completely encased in her thick tail.  The pheromone soaks into your skin even more, a coil pressing against your unmentionables.  That relaxing, sleepy feeling now has a tinge of arousal.

“Three,” Serena whispers seductively.

You can’t remember a time you’ve ever felt like this.  No amount of specially designed beds, pillows, or anything else could compare to this.  You want this embrace.  No, you need it.  A fourth coil traps your arms against your body, but you don’t care.  Serena’s pheromone is your oxygen.  You need it to survive.  It’s almost… hypnotic.


Ever so tantalizing, her tail tip circles around your neck and creates a final loop on your body.  As soon as it places itself snugly behind your head, you feel all the coils around you press in closer.  You don’t want to leave this… ever.  This is all you ever wanted.  You, Serena, and her heavenly coils and pheromone.  Your eyes begin to feel so very heavy, and you’re ready to give yourself completely in.  You are Serena’s now, but this is exactly what you want.
“Five,” Serena whispers, tightening a bit more around you.  “Go to sleep, honey, I’ll take care of you.”  She rests her head atop your’s, sighing contentedly.  You’re so happy that she’s happy.  You hear her whisper one last thing before you fall asleep

“I promise.”
Derp, did a thing.  gdoc over here:

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Story image by:
(girl in image is her's, Serena is my character)

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