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Octransfur Day 18: Should Be Doing [Slime Squirrel TF, Absorption] by Joat

A small glob of goo was traveling along the forest floor. It didn’t know why it was doing so. Reason wasn’t something it concerned itself with. It was just because it felt like what it should be doing.

Then, it saw something. It was something fuzzy and reddish-brown with a thick, fuzzy tail about as long as its body was. It abruptly changed direction, darting toward the creature. It had no concept of why it was doing it, or why the creature was flailing about, trying to escape as it was enveloped. The goo didn’t know why it kept going, pulling the creature fully inside. It just seemed like what it should be doing.

After a bit, for no reason it knew, the goo no longer tried to keep the creature inside, at which point that creature quickly made its way out, bounding away. But instead of being fluffy, it was a reddish-brown slime shaped like a simplified version of the creature it once was. The goo glob did not know why the creature had become goo as well, but it didn’t dwell on it. That simply felt like what should be happening. And so, the glob continued on its way, in no direction in particular.

The squirrel looked around in a panic, making sure the goo glob was nowhere to be found. After taking some time to confirm the threat was no longer present, it began thinking about what to do next. It could continue foraging for acorns as it had been doing before, but... upon seeing another squirrel, it decided to bound toward that other squirrel instead. The slime squirrel didn’t know why it was doing so, but it didn’t dwell on it. It simply felt like what it should be doing.

Octransfur Day 18: Should Be Doing [Slime Squirrel TF, Absorption]


The prompt for this day was Instinct. This one was a tricky one to decide, and ultimately I ended up settling on this one. And it wasn't until I'd decided on it that I was like "...Wait, didn't I already do a slime squirrel?"

Doing the traditional comparison to what CrizBN did, this is another one where we were really far apart in how we tackled the prompt. With me, I did a story of instinctually TFing someone, which in turn bestowed same instinct. With him, uh...

...He put the word "instincts" on the side of a truck.

Well, okay, that's not entirely fair. The side of the truck does spell out that the TFee is supposed to be getting new instincts, albeit in a way that could easily be read as hyperbolic, and the description further reinforces that. But I do have a problem with how said instincts aren't portrayed elsewhere. Like, looking at the TFee, you would never guess that his mind was changing at all to reflect his new form if it wasn't spelled out. And that would have been so easy to fix, too. Off the top of my head, he could have been turning into a cat instead, batting at a string or like object while eating. Or he could have had a thought bubble detailing his instinct-driven thoughts. But as it stands, while the image technically fits the prompt, it doesn't quite feel fitting.

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