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A Sheltered Gligar [Gligar TF/AR, Padding] by Joat

Despite his name, Rain did not especially enjoy the rain. Sure, he could handle some light rain on the way to or from the car, but he wasn’t merely on his way to the car and this wasn’t just a light rain. He hadn’t anticipated the weather turning so sour so quickly. Making things worse was that this happened right in the middle of his mountain trail hike, miles away from civilization.

He gave a heavy sigh and kept going. He had traveled this hiking trail enough times to know there was a cave just up ahead, around the bend. Being off the trail, hikers were advised not to enter it, as it could be dangerous. But it wasn’t as if he was planning to go on a full spelunking trip or anything; he just wanted to get out of the rain. And so, he took a left and headed just inside the cave, managing to avoid getting completely soaking wet from the rainstorm just outside.

However, he was pretty much stranded here until the rain cleared up. Even if he’d wanted to go exploring the cave, it was way too dark in there. He couldn’t see a thing further inside. He shivered, too focused on the misery of this weather to notice that his clothes were starting to feel a bit more loose as his size began to decrease.

He sighed and looked back in toward the cave. Apparently his eyes had adjusted, as now the interior of the cave didn’t seem so dark to him anymore. It wasn’t a very large cave, the back of the cave not even being ten feet away from the entrance. It was a fairly simple-looking cave, somewhat smooth with no sharp edges or tripping points to worry about. Near the back was what looked like some sort of nest, made from sticks and dried grass. Apparently, something used to live in this cave... or perhaps still did?

He needed to investigate further, to see if he could find any clues to whether this cave was still something’s home. He walked toward the nest, noticing that it felt a fair bit more awkward. Had his shoes always been this loose and he just hadn’t noticed until now? No, that didn’t make sense. He’d definitely have noticed before now. And why were his pant legs threatening to trip him? Had his pants gotten low somehow? He could have sworn he’d tightened his belt properly before he left. But then, just as he reached the nest, he noticed something even more odd: had his canine teeth always been that long? No, that couldn’t be right. But yet they felt quite a bit longer than any of his other teeth now.

Before he could properly process what was happening to his teeth, he heard a ripping noise. What had just happened? He looked back to discover a segmented purple tail, with a bulbous tip ending in a spike. A Gligar tail, and it was pointed in his direction! Was he about to be poisoned? Where was the Gligar itself? Judging by the way the tail curved, it looked like the Gligar itself had to be... right where he was standing?

Experimentally, he willed the tail to move. It did, but not only that, he could feel it happening. He watched and felt as it swayed, obeying his every mental command. It was a part of him now. He had a Gligar tail...

He then noticed that his feet felt rather odd. It didn’t feel like he had toes anymore, instead feeling like he simply had one large claw. He pulled his feet out of his shoes, his feet now small enough to easily sip right out, his socks falling right off as he did so. He beheld his new feet, now a rounded purple with a large purple claw at the end of each.

His legs seemed to be shortening now. He wondered why his pants hadn’t fallen down yet, since he’d shrunken down a fair bit, his shirt now far too big for him. When he pulled his pants down, though, he saw why. His legs were now the same purple as his tail and a fair bit shorter than before - Gligar wasn’t built for walking, after all. But bewilderingly, now he was also wearing something that was previously concealed by his pants, something he definitely didn’t remember putting on that morning, but which was unmistakable.

He was wearing a thick, poofy diaper.

He blushed brightly. When did that get there? And how? But then again, how was he turning into a Gligar? For that matter, though, now that he thought on it, it didn’t just feel like he was getting smaller and more Gligar-like. He also felt like he was getting... younger. In fact, he was starting to shrink down smaller than the average Gligar. How small would he get?

One part of him was definitely getting bigger, though, and that was his torso. More specifically, it was getting far rounder. He took off his far-too-large shirt, discovering a rounded purple torso underneath. He watched the purple coloration spread from there to his arms, as blue webbing started forming between his arms and his sides. The webbing went straight through his diaper, which adjusted its shape to accommodate. The diaper was now attached to his new wings by tape, the only way it could stay on a bat creature such as him.

He could not see his head changing, but he could feel it. His head felt shorter now, his mouth widening and his eyes moving a bit farther apart. He had nostrils, but he didn’t have a visible nose anymore. The last part of his head to change was his ears, which lengthened considerably as they moved to the top of his head.

He reached up and felt his long ears with his hands, though in doing so he discovered that his fingers were merging together, his thumb thickening up as well. Quickly, he found himself no longer having hands, but instead pincers in their place, the same purple color as most of his body. Finally, he stopped shrinking, no more than a single foot tall now. The transformation, it seemed, was complete.

He looked around, quite frightened. Except for his newfound padding, there was nothing to distinguish him from a normal baby Gligar! Even his prior clothes, which could potentially have been used to help show what had happened to him somehow, had mysteriously vanished while he wasn’t looking. How would he get back to his human life? How would he even get down from this mountain? He didn’t know how to fly or how to fight off other Pokémon...

Just then, a large Gligar came gliding into the cave, gazing down at him before landing in the nest. Then, she grabbed the new Gligar and pulled him into the nest, hugging him. she said in a soothing tone, in words his human form would not have been able to understand,

A part of Rain felt like he should be frightened, like he should suspect this Gligar had something sinister planned for him. However, he couldn’t think that of this Gligar, somehow. He couldn’t bring himself to distrust her or to think she’d ever do anything bad to him.

He knew that momma would never do anything to hurt him.

A Sheltered Gligar [Gligar TF/AR, Padding]


This was a request for Rain during a writing stream where one of the themes was baby Pokémon. That was intended to mean Pichu, Magby, and the like, but apparently there were some lawyers in the audience that day, of which Rain was one.

Submission Information

Literary / Story