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Octransfur Day 7: Magic Marker [Toon Fox TF] by Joat

Mina was standing alone in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. In her hand was a marker, and it was one that she wasn’t supposed to have. Her parents had called it a “magic marker”, but when she asked what was so magic about it, they denied it was magic at all. But she knew better than that. If it wasn’t magic, why would it be called a magic marker, after all? She intended to get to the bottom of this mystery tonight, even if it was bound to get her into trouble when her parents find out!

Being a tall sort for her young age, she was able to reach the mirror perfectly fine. She uncapped the marker and decided to start her experimentation in a fun way. Yes, drawing on the mirror might perhaps get her into further trouble, but that was a problem for future Mina. For right now, she wasn’t going to worry about the consequences and instead let herself be silly with her experimentation. And so, she leaned forward and draw a couple of fox ears on the mirror, positioned exactly so they would be on top of her reflection’s head, making it look like she had fox ears.

However, after her muffled giggling (she didn’t want to wake her parents, after all), she looked back at her reflection to discover a strange sight: in the mirror, she saw that her reflection’s normal ears were gone, replaced by orange-and-white ears, like a fox’s. Except, it didn’t look like it was fully real. The colors were a bit too solid and there was an outline on them, as if they were cartoon ears. Yet when she reached up to touch her fox ears, she felt them in exactly that spot. Cartoonish though they looked, they were a part of her now.

She started drawing again, this time drawing a mouth, a nose, and eyes for the fox, each positioned over her own. Before her eyes, her face changed from a normal human kid face to a cartoon fox face, covered in orange and white fur. She felt the top of her new muzzle, feeling the fur despite how the individual strands of fur weren’t normally visible. She then drew the rest of the head, at which point the rest of her head quickly turned to a toon. She didn’t have her hair anymore, but that was okay. She didn’t like her new haircut anyway.

She then decided to draw the end of a fox tail nearby, as if it were poking out from underneath. She could feel a tail growing, then gave it a quick swish and looked at it, before feeling it with her hands. It was so fluffy and cute!

Lastly, she drew the rest of the body underneath. Unfortunately, she couldn’t draw the whole thing. It wasn’t a full-body mirror, after all. She looked down, afraid she was going to be stuck half-transformed with no way to finish, but to her surprise she saw not only her upper arms changing, but her lower arms and hands too. She couldn’t see under her shirt, but she could feel fur under there as well. She held up her hands, watching them change to black cartoon hand-like forepaws, wagging her fluffy toon tail.

Next, she looked down. at her feet. To her delight, it seemed the transformation was indeed going all the way. She sat down, watching her feet turning into black cartoon hind paws. But after that came an unexpected step: she started quickly shrinking down, her clothes becoming loose around her, some of them falling off entirely as she went down to a mere two feet tall. She tossed her clothes aside. Normally, her parents would definitely get mad about her going around the house naked, but toon animals didn’t need to wear clothes, so she was sure her parents would understand.

She hopped up and climbed onto the bathroom counter, looking at herself in the mirror. The drawing on the mirror was gone now - a good thing, since that would mean she could perhaps avoid getting in trouble. More importantly, though, she looked absolutely adorable! She couldn’t wait to show the others at school! She hopped down and headed out of the bathroom, putting the magic marker back into place and heading back into bed. From the looks of it, tomorrow was going to be amazing!

Octransfur Day 7: Magic Marker [Toon Fox TF]


The prompt for day 7 was Mirror. I had to do some deep self-reflection on what to do for this day. Or maybe I just went with the first idea that sounded interesting. Either way.

Comparing once more to CrizBN's idea... Well, let's be real. We all saw what he did coming. "First-person TF while looking into a mirror" is a staple in his gallery, so it would have been bizarre if he DIDN'T go with that for day 7. I suppose what I did technically counts as that as well, though I feel I put a fairly creative spin on it, making it fairly distinct from his idea. Not trying to put what he did down, of course. I think among his mirror TF pieces, that one may be one of my favorites. Alas, this work of his I had spoiled for me before I got to write my own thing for Octransfur day 7. It's bound to happen when one is in a server (several, actually) with TF fans, I suppose. Not a huge deal.

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