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Rescue Corps Chapter 2 Mind Trick by jinggo78

Rescue Corps Chapter 2 - Mind Trick

Thunderous bangs jolted Fenton awake. The incessant sounds resonated from his metal dormitory door while his fuzzy awareness hovered around a missing, yet important fact he didn’t yet remember.

Talban’s familiar voice broke through to his consciousness. "Fenton! Answer me now. Did you oversleep?"

"Whuh? Talban?" He lifted his head from the pillow as he tried to roll out of the bed. A chaotic tangle of blankets bound his legs together as he fell off the bed. His cheek met with the carpet below as he failed to catch himself. He had to crawl to the nightstand but he manged to find the ‘admit’ switch. He pressed it hard as if his finger contained his frustration. He heard the door-latch click as he wiggled free from his linen entrapment. He used the bedside to assist himself up from the floor. His blankets fell to his feet and revealed his nudity to his visitor. His eyelids drooped in heavy resistance to his effort to remain awake.

"You're not even dressed? What's wrong with you? Move! We're going to be late. And since I was decent enough to wait for you -you're making me late too!"

Fenton’s head bobbed affirmatively, as sleep tried to resume its hold on him. Talban moved close to his Flareon partner, grasped his shoulders, turned him toward the dresser and swatted his bare behind.

"Get with it, babe! You didn't party that hard last night."

"But I didn't drink..." He said as he tried to remember the whole night.

“You always say that.” He pointed to his uniform.

Fenton nearly lost his balance trying to travel the few feet to the dresser. He put his hands on the top portion of his uniform and looked at it with an unfamiliar gaze. He looked at Talban and then back to the uniform and its other piece. He got dressed as if he’d only heard of clothing. When he thought he was dressed he stood to face Talban for an inspection. Talban shook his head.

"Here let me help you." Talban said as he moved to him and straightened his vest so that it wasn’t so crooked. Fenton’s chest-tuft of orange and red fur protruded in all directions , so Talban barehandedly smoothed it out for him. He looked behind Fenton and fixed his tail so that the tail loop fit over it better.

"Good now let's go. We have only ten minutes to reach the transport shuttle." Talban said, but he was calm about it..

"Is that enough time?" Fenton asked. The clock read 07:45 hours. The answer clicked into Fenton’s awareness before Talban could answer. He scrambled for his bag of stuff as the route to the terminal gate flashed through his mind. Talban shot Fenton his serious glare and then darted out of the dorm room. Fenton rushed after him but could barely catch a glimpse of Talban’s arrow point tail as he ran down the hall.

Fenton huffed and used the guard station counter-top as a temporary support. After showing the guard his gate pass, the guard let him through to the course. Talban already located their gate. The ship name “Yggdrasil” still displayed green, illuminated letters. Talban stopped only inches from the doors when the illuminated text changed from green to red. The sliding doors hissed shut and sealed.

“Damn it!” Talban cursed, and then he charged the glass window as if he meant to smash it. Fenton sighed in relief when Talban stopped short of pounding his large curved horns against the window. Fenton stood back to give Talban breathing room. He watched the shuttle they should have been on... lift off from the landing platform.

“Too late? They’re actually leaving without us?” Fenton felt stupid for asking. Talban turned from the window that viewed the launch area. He sighed and looked at Fenton with his deep penetrating brown eyes, his ears slightly drawn back, and muzzle drawn into a frown of disappointment.

“I’m sorry… I’m completely at fault. I woke up late. I was stupid. I drank too much again. It’s my fault. I’m sorry.” Fenton hid the upper part of his face, shadowing his eyes with his free hand.

“Stop blubbering! That is so embarrassing! And will you stand up straight? That bag isn’t that heavy.” Talban snarled. As a Houndoom he could sound angry enough to strike out even though Fenton knew he wouldn’t. At least not him. He’d seen him strike others in anger. Still he cowered and felt his stomach muscles tighten on reflex.

“But we missed the shuttle, Tal. How will we reach the ship? If I was just a bit faster or didn’t sleep so long we’d be on our way. It was just one thing I had to get right. And I didn’t. I’m so useless!” Fenton started to cry.

“Damn it, Fen… Stop crying it’s not like the ship left yet.” Talban put down his bag and pulled Fenton into an embrace. “We’ll be alright. They’ll send someone to get us.” His finger traced Fenton’s soft, red cheek fur. “Fen... c’mon now. I’m not that mad.” He said in a deep low tone.

“Excuse me.” Came a lady’s voice.

Fenton looked for the one who spoke. A tall Umbreon with yellow head-markings, wearing an officer’s vest with a Lead’s insignia on her right breast stood near them. Talban looked at her and squeezed Fenton closer to him protectively.

“Who are you?” Talban asked.

“Kalinta Darktale. And… if I’m not mistaken you two are Fenton and Talban. I’m your Team Lead.” She said and smiled at Fenton and then directed it at Talban. Her eyes traveled over the more interesting parts of their bodies. Fenton’s bottom lip tightened inward. The form fitting nature of his new team uniform made him want to hide from her appraising eyes. He wondered if she expected him to look at her that way. He refrained from noting her bust size, trim waist, and excellent muscle tone under her sleek black fur.

“So you’re in the same situation.” Fenton said.

“Not exactly. I have my own private shuttle. And since you missed the final transport it looks like you’ll owe me a favor for giving you a ride.” She seemed pleased with the situation.

“A favor?” Fenton was worried all over again. What could she want? She had a look like she always knew more than she was telling.

“Oh don’t worry about it now. I’ll think of something. Let’s go.” She gestured for them to follow. Talban nodded reassuringly at Fenton and they followed her to another gate.

Kalinta entered the decontamination chamber first. The sensors took her readings and she was given the green light. Talban and Fenton followed and they both passed. Kalinta’s shuttle was larger than other personal shuttles. It could have been a Rescue Corps perk. He liked the idea that someday he could have his own shuttle and go where he wanted. There was also the fact that Kalinta seemed like the type that grew up spoiled and got whatever she wanted. Her confidence seem to indicate that.

Fenton sat in one of the passenger seats behind the pilot seat. Talban strapped in next to him and looked at him. Fenton knew better than to forget his seat belt and fastened them securely. If he hadn’t, Talban would have been sure to chide him on it. Kalinta took the pilot seat. She activated the start up sequence and the rest was done automatically. After routine checks the engines fired up.

“Shuttle ID 99KT-RC03 you are cleared for takeoff.” The intercom said.

“Thank you controller.” She said. The field lights changed from blue to green and Kalinta engaged the engines. A burst of force thrust the small shuttle into the sky. Retro force generators designed to dampen natural ones activated simultaneous to the thrust. Fenton tried not to think about what would happen if those failed. They prevented the passengers from becoming jelly. In mere minutes the shuttle left the atmosphere and entered space. Fenton couldn’t keep the grin off his face as his stomach danced with excitement. He’d been in many simulations but the real thing was truly something different.

Talban put his hand on Fenton’s knee and smiled. “Been a long time since we saw space.”

“We were just cubs.” Fenton said.

“I bet you were a cute cub.” Kalinta said as she swiveled her chair to face them.

“He was.” Talban said with a smile. He squeezed his knee gently. Fenton blushed. He didn’t like the attention in front of their female Lead. It was weird. He delayed his complaint though because it was nice even if weird.

“Auto pilot will take us in. Until then let me just welcome you early. I requested both of you in your third year.”

Fenton’s mind started forming assumptions when she said that. It seemed odd that she requested them half way through academy. He’d never heard of her till now and she’d been following their progress all that time?


“Why not? You were the best Flareon from your class and the one before it. Even in year three you surpassed your peers. I like winners and I’m a good judge of character.” She winked at him.

“Fenton and I are a team ourselves. Where he goes I go. At least as far as it is practical.” Talban said.

“I noticed you’re quite the pair.” She said.

“We met in grade school. We’ve been best friends ever since.” Talban said.

“So that makes it...” She glanced at Talban.

“About ten years. And I’d never give him up.” Talban said and kissed Fenton on the cheek. Fenton’s cheek fur rose up as he blushed.

Kalinta smiled wide and laughed. “Oh my that was cute. Do it again.”

Talban started to lean toward Fenton a second time when Kalinta’s console beeped.

“Ah, hold that thought..” Kalinta said and faced her console.

“Kalinta Darktale requesting permission to dock.” She said with her comm. Link open.

“This is control. We copy. You have been granted clearance. Your bay number is 4; please proceed.”

“Acknowledged.” The communication ended.

Kalinta maneuvered the ship into the assigned bay. After a smooth and painless check-in process, she guided them to the ship’s residential section.

"Since I'm so nice I'll let you use my spare room." Kalinta opened the door to her quarters and let them inside.

Fenton looked around the entry area. The small circular area led into a hallway split into three corridors. Abstract paintings adorned the walls. Each painting followed a dark or subdued theme. Fenton noticed a painting that produced thoughts about flowing blood. An ivory statuette, which rested on a small wooden table, showed a male Plusle and a female Minun entwined in an intimate position. Fenton looked away in bashful haste.

"You'll be sharing a bed too." Kalinta said with a direct smile at Fenton.

"Wait what?" Fenton shook his head, double-take fashion.

"Not with me, silly, with Talban. That is unless you would rather have other arrangements."

"No that will be fine, Miss Darktale, but won't there be suspicions about you playing favorites with us?" Talban said. He took Fenton’s hand into his. A trickle of anxiety drained into Talban’s hand. The way he took control at the right time gave Fenton the security he needed.

"They’ll suspect nothing. You are my favorites. No reason to hide it." Kalinta guided them down a hall to a room.

"But it will get us unwanted attention," Fenton said.

"Perhaps.” She smiled and opened the door. “Here's your room."

Fenton entered with Talban. He found their stuff on the queen size bed. What the hell was all this? She had stalked him for at least three years, arranged for him and his lover to sleep in her spare room. What was next? Was he to be added to her official harem of male entertainment? He looked around the room for hidden cameras. Fenton could easily imagine her spying on them in her free time. Nothing caught his eye but he expected to see more items that resembled her personality. Living with a female? Such a terrible idea. He’d never be comfortable with her around.

"Oh it's not such a terrible idea we'll be friends before you know it." She said. Fenton flinched. She could read minds. How dare she. He felt the fur on his neck rise up. His eyes widened and he exhaled after he realized he’d kept his breath in too long.

"Fenton? Is something wrong?" Talban asked. Fenton half grimaced with indecision. Talban would know what that meant without reading his mind. He noticed how cool Talban was and how he didn’t act bothered by anything that had happened. How did he do that?

“Now then. Ready to do that favor?” Kalinta asked

“Depends.” Fenton glared at her.

“You seem to be very suspicious of me. Afraid I’ll bite? Afraid I’ll steal your boyfriend?”

“We’re not quite boyfriends. But it wouldn’t be unlikely if we became that.” Talban said and smiled at Fenton.

“Hmm well maybe someday. But I would like you to join me for a perfectly innocent drink in our living room. It’s more a of a commons area but it does have a nice media center.” She said. She gestured for them to follow her.

Kalinta entered the living room with Talban and Fenton.

"Have a seat if you want. I'll be back with our drinks." She showed them to the couch and left the room.

Talban looked Fenton over. "Fenton, you look really tense. Are you sure everything is okay?" Fenton sighed.

"She's some kind of stalker or voyeur or something. She gets under my skin just by looking at me. I think she wants me. What do I do, Tal?" His words came out in a jumble. Talban shook his head.

"Fen! You need to seriously cool it. Do you know how tense you are right now? I can see it. It's like every muscle in your body is wound up like a clock spring."

"But she's plotting something and I don't know what and she can read my mind."

Talban grabbed Fenton's shoulders and looked into his eyes.

"Breathe! You're going to have a breakdown if you don't calm down. Now relax. I mean it. She's not the enemy. You always make females the enemy. We’ve never had any female friends because of this."

The truth was there and then so were his doubts. She did read his mind and she did flirt with him. He wanted to trust Talban and accept that maybe he was making too many assumptions. He started to breathe more evenly. Talban let go.

"Okay, Tal, I'll try." Fenton said and smiled at his best friend and lover.

Talban smiled back. "But don't just try it, do it. When you only try, you give yourself permission to fail. Commit to the task. Succeed only by doing."

"Excellent, Talban. That was quoted perfectly." Kalinta entered carrying a tray with three drinks. The purple liquid contained in each glass moved only a little. Fenton envied that kind of coolness. She only used one hand to carry the tray. She set it down. She took a glass and Talban took one too. Fenton took the last glass. He sniffed it; the glass contained Auraberry liqueur. His mood lifted. He considered it a real treat to have something like this.

"Does anyone have anything they'd like to say in a toast? This is your first time on a RC team."

"To long lasting meaningful companionship." Fenton said.

"To long life and personal success." Talban raised his glass.

"And to discovery. Never put a limit on what you can learn or understand." Kalinta raised hers and they completed the toast together. Fenton's mouth was met with a beautiful combination of acidic sweetness.

"Very nice." Fenton said.

"I agree. Thank you. But why is treating us to Auraberry Liqueur a favor to you? Isn't this stuff expensive?" Talban asked.

"You haven't done the favor yet. Please sit down." Kalinta said and she sat first.

Fenton sat and kept what Talban told him in mind. He committed himself to letting his fear go. Talban sat on the couch with Fenton, close enough to cuddle him.

“Fenton, I need to test you with my psychic powers. Look at me now and make eye contact. Don't worry it's not dangerous." Kalinta said. The first thing Fenton tried to do was look away, but even as he thought of it his eyes were drawn to hers. He tried to blink but his eyelids wouldn’t obey. Images of various situations involving Kalinta flashed through his mind. Some images were sexual and some were not. It took a determined effort but he finally shut his eyes and replaced Kalinta’s mental image with Talban’s.

"Excellent. You passed the first part of the test."

Fenton allowed his eyes to unclench and re-open. He turned to look at Talban. Talban looked back and nodded. The unstressed way Talban’s eyes looked told Fenton that she hadn’t done the test on him. Wasn’t the test for them both?

“Talban is a Houndoom and a rather pure bred one so my powers won’t work on him. He’s naturally immune.” She said. Fenton’s eyes narrowed at her. He did not like that she could read his mind that way.

"In a few minutes I will explain the reason for the test but that was only half of it. Now comes the true test and with all my sincerity I wish you luck."

]]Attention all crew, all passengers. This vessel will be folding soon. Please find a secure place to be until it is finished. It is highly advised that you are not standing during this time. That is all

Rescue Corps Chapter 2 Mind Trick


This is the second chapter in my original Pokemon story series. This chapter is much longer than the first and in this chapter you get to meet Fenton and Talban's immediate supervisor. Are her ways a bit too unorthodox? There's only one way to find out. Keep reading!

If someone thinks the rating is too low for a certain scene just let me know and I'll change it. Don't just report me.

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Literary / Story