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Raven (2014) by jiasaykea

Raven (2014)


Raven (Magic, Shapeshift)
Raven sails through the sky. Ravens are the largest, and most widely distributed member of the corvidae family. The ability of ravens to solve even complex tasks gave rise to them being viewed as possessing magic; or sometimes of being humans in disguise. The intelligence of raven is so well-honed that they show the capacity for displacement; the ability to communicate about objects or events at a distant time or place from the initial contact. Ravens are omnivores, making them opportunistic by nature; even feeding on carrion. In some places they fill an ecological niche by serving mainly as scavengers. Young ravens may move together in packs called ‘a kindness’, or sometimes ‘a murder’ (a murder is more generally applied to crows), before forming mated pairs. Engaging in play is common, especially among young ravens, and complex aerial displays are used for breeding seasons. The ability to mimic sounds from their environment, including human speech may also be a factor in raven becoming linked to shapeshifting abilities. Ravens can live in almost all environments, but prefer to have at least some cover; be it trees, caves, or crevices in buildings.

Mythology regarding ravens is as widespread as the bird itself. Because of its black plumage, and ability to eat carrion ravens were often seen as harbingers of death; or carriers of ill omens. In Greek myth ravens were linked to Apollo, especially in regards to prophecy. They were seen as good luck, and even as messengers of the gods. The Viking god Odin had two ravens who served as his eyes and ears in the mortal world. They were often referred to as ‘Thought’ and ‘Memory’. Celtic lore is full of ravens.The war goddess Morrigan, and the sun god and creator of arts and science Lugh, were linked to ravens. Lugh is an old Celtic word for raven. British legend states that should the ravens at the Tower of London ever leave that England will fall. In many Native American cultures raven serves as a creator god, but also as a trickster spirit; capable of great feats of shapeshifting. As a creator god in Native folklore raven also had the ability to heal and dispel disease. In Haida lore it was a raven who stole the sun and brought light into the universe.

When raven sails into a reading it might be the perfect time to do a little magic, or shapeshift your life. Are you focused too much on life’s mysteries, or do you need to journey deeper? What needs to be shapeshifted in your life? Have you become blind to the everyday magic around you? Ravens are linked to the sun. As birds the element of air may also be helpful.

Astrology- (Native Sept 22- Oct 22) This Native sign is a natural entrepreneur. Enthusiastic Raven has a natural charm that comes easily to them. Patient and diplomatic, people born in this sign are easy going. Raven needs to be aware of being too abrasive, demanding, or even vindictive. Raven is the person to turn to for ideas and opinions because of their ingenious nature. Energetic Raven is intuitive in relationships and can be quite romantic, if given the chance.

Stars and Constellations
Healing, Protection, Prophecy, Creation, The Journey Beyond

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