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Otter (2014) by jiasaykea

Otter (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Otter (Play, Sharing)
Otter plays in the water. Otters are aquatic, and semi-aquatic, mammals who make their homes near, and occasionally in the water. With slim long bodies and webbed paws otters are excellent swimmers. Otters are carnivorous in nature. Their diet is mostly fish, but they will eat invertebrates and even small amphibians or birds. Tool use is fairly common among otters. They can be seen using rocks to break open the shells of their prey. Sea otters will spend almost their entire lives in the water, whereas river otters will spend most of their lives on land. Some species of otters live solitary lives, but many species live in groups called a lodge, or a romp. All otter species are known for their playful nature. Otters are frequently seen engaging in activities such as using natural riverbanks as waterslides, and playing with rocks and stones. It was this social behaviour that gave rise to otters being symbolic of play.

During the height of the fur trade otters were hunted to very low numbers because of their thick pelts. In some parts of Asia otters were trained to help humans fish, scaring the prey into nets. While on the decline this practice is still used in rural parts of Bangladesh. In Japanese folklore otter was seen as a trickster spirit, able to shape-shift into many shapes; most often a beautiful woman who would kill men. Chinese beliefs held similar thoughts about the otter. Native American tribes saw otter as a trickster as well, but their beliefs were more light-hearted. Some tribes even saw otter as lucky, and a symbol of honesty. Because of their connection to water, which was seen as feminine, many native tribes saw otter as having ‘woman’s medicine’; which was the ability to share as (metaphoric) sisters. In Zoroastrian tradition otters were considered ‘clean’ animals and it was taboo to kill them. Otters were also sacred to the Irish god of the sea and to the goddess Ceridwen.

When otter plays its way into your cards it may be time to share that playful spirit. When did you last go with the flow? Is it time to stop worrying and have some fun, or have you been too playful? How well are you sharing your gifts? Otter is most connected to the element of water. A study of the element of earth could prove helpful as well.

Astrology- (Native Jan 20- Feb 18) This Native sign is quirky and unorthodox. Otter has a vivid imagination and will use this skill to great effect. Intuitive Otter makes a great friend. Rebellion and a tendency towards isolation are the downsides to this sign. Otter has a sensitive and sympathetic nature even if others don’t see it as easily. Honest Otter may not be aware of its own vast courage and its deep intelligence.

Stars and Constellations
Joy, Cooperation, Flexibility, Tools and Techniques, Light-hearted Trickster

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