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Fox (2014) by jiasaykea

Fox (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Fox (Camouflage, Cunning)
Fox springs into action. Foxes are small, to medium-sized mammals that are primarily omnivorous. The large ears of a fox allow them to hear well. A good sense of hearing allows them to perceive things coming and permit them to escape. This ability to escape tricky situations may have attributed to fox's reputation as cunning. Foxes live in small family groups, though some are solitary, coming together only to mate. Using a pouncing technique fox will crouch down, using the terrain to hide themselves. They are foragers, eating anything that crosses their path. A fox's red coat doesn't seem to lend itself to camouflage and so this quality lends itself to the idea of fox’s power of camouflage. The thick fur of a fox will change colour in the winter months, further helping it to blend in with the surroundings. Because of fox’s adaptability they can live in and near human environments; branding them as pests. Foxes can also live in all kinds of habitats, from hot deserts to the cold arctic, another one of foxes adaptable traits.

In many cultures fox appears as a symbol of cunning and trickery, possessed of magical powers. In Asia it is believed that fox has the power to shape-shift into a woman to seduce men. This may be the root of the expression 'foxy' to mean someone is attractive. Older men who have gone grey but retained their good looks are often referred to as 'silver foxes'. Other phases about fox are usually rooted in fox's cunning and trickery. 'Sly as a fox' and 'crazy like a fox' are about fox’s ability to seem one way, but act another. In the Aesop fable, fox struggles mightily to reach a bunch of grapes. When he can not reach them he proclaims loudly that they would probably be sour and that he didn't really want them anyway. Though fox is seen as a trickster spirit in most cultures it is most often morally neutral; neither harming, nor truly helping.

When fox springs into a reading it may be asking about your own cunning and camouflage. Are you using your cunning appropriately? Are you blending into the background? Are you using all your senses to assess a situation? Fox isn't linked to any one element, but a study of the different biomes where foxes live may be helpful.

Astrology- (Celtic Mar 18- Apr 14) This Celtic sign is The Trailblazer. Linked to the Alder tree, Fox is cunning with bright intelligence. This sign has a knack for storytelling and will make every day an adventure. Vigorous Fox is energetic with just the right amount of courage. Untameable Fox needs to be wary of angering quickly, or of turning their penchant for jokes and tricks on people in a way that might be hurtful. Fox is tender-hearted though may be too caught up in intellectual or humourous pursuits to show it. Those with this sign make excellent, and loyal, friends.

Stars and Constellations
Diplomacy, Shape-shifting, Sly as a Fox, Clever, Outwit

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