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Dog (2014) by jiasaykea

Dog (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Dog (Companionship, Loyalty)
Dog stands at the ready. Dogs are unique in that they can come in several different breeds that can be quite different from one another. Many breeds of dog were created for specific purposes. Different kinds of dogs may mean different things; hunting and herding dogs are symbolic of hard work while guard dogs represent protection. All dogs have superior senses; such as good hearing and an excellent sense of smell. Dog’s ears can perk up, swivel, and hone in on sounds that are far way with great accuracy. Though all dogs have a good sense of smell the ability will vary from breed to breed. Because of its close relationship with humans dog is seen as a representative of companionship. Dogs are trainable and can be breed to have specific psychological traits that could be desirable. In the wild, dogs tend towards more carnivorous diets. In captivity they have an adaptable diet that will handle vegetables and grains better than most carnivores. Dogs are the most vocal of the canine family. With a variety of growls, yelps, barks, and howls dogs can communicate a plethora of information including danger, hunger, or excitement.

In mythology dogs often serve as guardians. In Greek myth it was the three-headed dog Cerberus who guarded the gates of Hades. In Norse myth, a bloody, four-eyed dog called Garmr guards the underworld. Dogs are eaten as food in some Asian countries, while other cultures view the eating of dogs as taboo. In Judaism and Islam dogs are sometimes seen as unclean scavengers. Expressions such as 'dog eat dog' may have sprung up from the belief that dogs were scavengers. The “Dog Star” Sirius, part of the constellation Canis Major (Greater Dog), is the brightest star in the night sky. It is the appearance of Sirius in July and August which led to the expression 'the dog days of summer'. The expression 'every dog has it's day' espouses the belief that everyone will eventually have a chance. A dog’s penchant for listening and obeying even a cruel owner linked dog with the trait of loyalty.

When dog stands at the ready in a reading it can serve as a reminder of loyalty and companionship. Are you being faithful to yourself and others? Where do your loyalties lie? Are you getting enough companionship, or are your companions taking advantage of you? Dog is linked to the element of earth, a study of dogs ancestor, wolf, may also prove helpful.

Astrology- (Chinese 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042 or Oct 8- Nov 6) This Chinese sign is honest and sincere. Those born under this sign are warm-hearted, sociable creatures. Dog is diligent, responsible, and has a true respect for justice. This earth sign can be bad tempered though. When crossed Dog has a tendency towards self-righteous and judgemental behaviour. Dog will respect tradition, even when not their own and they value honour. Courage is an important trait for dog, but above all Dog is loyal.

Stars and Constellations
Faithful, True, Reliable, Stalwart, Champion

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