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Chameleon (2014) by jiasaykea

Chameleon (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Chameleon (Adaptability, Sensitivity)
Chameleon blends into the surrounding world. The independently mobile eyes of a chameleon may have given rise to the belief that chameleon has powers of clairvoyance, or even ability to see into other worlds. Chameleons have a prehensile tails which help them to climb branches. This ability allows chameleons to grasp onto branches as it moves. The tong-like feet of a chameleon are highly adapted to movement in the trees. This contributes to the signature swaying gait that chameleons display. Perhaps a chameleon most well-known trait is its power to change colour. It is specialized cells in three layers beneath almost transparent skin that gives chameleon’s the ability to change colour. Chameleons will change colour not only to blend in, making it a harder target for predators; but also in response to changes in conditions such as temperature and perhaps even humidity. Social signaling is also seen as a large part of colour changing behaviour. A male chameleon will become lighter in colour when courting a mate. Both sexes will become darker when aggressive behaviour is displayed. A chameleon’s tongue is long and is ballistically projected from their mouth in order to catch the insects on which it feeds.

Chameleon talismans were once thought to restore sight to the blind. Chameleons were seen as inconsistent, and therefore not to be trusted. Some myths place the chameleon in league with the devil, as both were able to change their appearance. Because they can inflate their lung sacks, and when doing so those sacks become nearly translucent some stock was given to the belief that chameleon was nourished by air and didn't need to eat. In some parts of Africa chameleon is associated with the weather; especially thunder, lightning, rain, and sun. The seeing of auras is often linked to colour and so chameleon was perceived to have auric sensitivity.

When chameleon blends it's way into your cards it may show a need to get more in tune with your environment. Are you changing yourself to fit in, or to get noticed? Are you being oversensitive, or are you ignoring your senses altogether? Are you looking in all directions, or has your sight become fixed on one thing? As a reptile chameleon is linked to the sun, but the element of air may be useful to explore as well.

Astrology- (Western Gemini May 21- June 20) The western sign of Gemini is all about flexibility and balance. This air sign favours adaptability and may be prone to mood swings. Gemini have a certain duality to their nature and can be difficult to predict. Gemini are self-motivated and can have quite the list of accomplishments. Though they have a tendency to change their minds, this twin sign can use that to good effect in getting a good bargain. Gemini are imaginative sorts that make affectionate and supportive friends.

Stars and Constellations
Reach forward, Perceive, Colours of Clairvoyance, Sense Surroundings, Walk Wonderfully

Submission Information

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