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Bison (2014) by jiasaykea

Bison (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Bison (Abundance, Prayer)
Bison roams the grasslands freely. Bisons are nomadic grazers living in large herds. Migrating with the weather if needed bisons are strict herbivores living on grasses, berries, lichen and other vegetation. Male and female bisons will travel in herds with their same sex and co-mingle during mating season before parting ways again. The sheer size alone easily linked bison with the trait of abundance. The strength and size of bison puts it at low risk for predation. The bisons most at risk from predators are the young, the old, or the ill. Both male and female bison have horns that they can use as weapons to batter predators such as wolves and coyotes. Bisons prefer open grasslands. In North America bisons live in prairies and in Europe they tend towards more wooded grasslands. Bisons are not agile and will follow the easiest path, creating bison trails that often lead to water sources; or even salt licks. Wallowing is a behaviour in which a bison will roll around in depressions in the dirt, wet or dry, covering themselves in dirt or mud. Wallowing behaviour may serve as temperature regulation, warding off insects, or helping to groom and shed hair.

The word bison is more scientifically accurate when talking about North American species; though the name buffalo has been in use longer and continues to be used. The bison species was nearly wiped out due to over-hunting. Efforts were made to preserve the species and now many bison live on farms and wildlife reservations. Bison meat is still consumed to this day. Per gram bison is leaner and has few calories than beef. Traditionally every part of the bison was used, not just the meat. Bison bones became tools, and the fur and hides became clothing or blankets. In Lakota tradition it is the White Buffalo Calf Woman who brought the sacred pipe to native people. The sacred pipe served as a symbol of how all things are connected and taught the Lakota how to pray. Bison trails were symbolic of following the right path of prayer. The idea that the right prayer or the right path need not be difficult sprang from the fact that buffalo trails were easy to follow. Bison served a similar role in most Native American cultures where they served as an important resource.

When bison has roamed its way into your cards look for opportunities of abundance. Are you pushing too fast in the physical world while ignoring the spiritual? Are you honouring yourself, and others in your life? When did you last pray on the right path? Bison is most connected to the element of earth, especially when looking at metaphors of strength and endurance.

Stars and Constellations
Graze, Mull Over Matters, Observe with Oomph, Barrel Through, Be Majestic

Submission Information

Visual / Other