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Why Hello There...>:3 by JasonWerefox

Why Hello There...>:3


Artwork made by AluminemSiren on FA.

If you know and heard the stories about me, the werefox of legend, then you know what to expect. Make it easier for yourself and cooperate and you'll not only be unharmed, but you'll I'll make it more than worth our time. Should you refuse, run, or finding me to hunt me down as the others have done in the past, then its going to be a very rough night for you and still more than worth my time for myself. Either way, I intend to show you the true meaning of being a lycanthrope and you'll understand while training under me and my pack. You will not lose your daily life and we'll show you how to truly live while maintaining a double life. You'll understand us and be truly free as you'll understand the connections towards nature. It runs much deeper than anyone would realize and you'll see and understand the true meaning of life. So brace yourself for hat I'm going to give you. What I give to you is more of a gift than a curse...this is the gift of the lycanthrophy from me to you. >:3

Jason Werefox is myself.

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Visual / Digital