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A whole lotta jackal by JackThorn

A whole lotta jackal


Jackal: O-okay, NOW, I think I'm fu- belches loudly all of a sudden O.O ...f-full...

Rendered in Blender
Jackal belongs to JackThorn

Somewhere out there, someone was trying out some magic when some of the magic went awry and zapped a certain jackal instead. Slowly but surely the pounds kept piling on. Clothes getting tighter, arms and legs fattening up, belly sagging down and spreading out. Soon the jackal was forced to hunch over as the weight was barring down on him.

His belly spread across the floor and his chest swollen outwards. He'd felt like he'd eating several full course meals. He could hear the tearing of fabric coming from his t-shirt and from his pants. His pants were getting uncomfortably tight and his shirt, which didn't do a good job of covering his belly by default, was clinging tightly to his chest.

Few seconds passed and his clothes were no more. Left in shreds on the floor while his body continued to fatten up uncontrollably. Even his cheeks had some significant weight to them. He must've weighed somewhere beyond 500 pounds. The 5ft jackal felt the familiar feeling of his thighs pressing into one another.

That cream-colored belly of his had grown large enough that it began to hoist him off of his feet, hands and feet soon unable to reach the ground and no momentum to rock himself onto them. All he could do was just lay there on his belly and hope that whatever spell just hit him wears off soon.

After some time, the spell did, but not before leaving the jackal looking like a furry blob. Cheeks the size of basket balls, arms, legs, hips and rump sagging outwards. He began panting as if he'd just stuffed himself with a hundred meals, tongue rolling out of his maw. "P-phew... wh-what was that all about?" He managed to spare. His ears perked up when he could hear the spell being cast again. All he could do was hope that it didn't hit him again...

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Visual / Digital