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Team Soul-Pikachu by Izzyhime

Team Soul-Pikachu


Name:Pikachu Hirri

Species: Pikachu



Bio: Izzy isn't exactly sure how she could have laid hands on Soren's little cousin, but she did, and boy was she a unique one. For some odd reason, Pik-Pik doesn't always respond to said name, and on Izzy's official info on her Dex says Soren's cousin's name remains Pikachu. She likes Pik-Pik when she's being praised or when others speak of her fondly, Pik when she's in battle so she can concentrate, and Pikachu in normal conversations.

Another odd thing Izzy discovered about Pikachu, was that she also had remarkable blue eyes, similar to Soren's. Pik's trainer assumed it was some genetic mutation, but it came as a complete shock to see her race to the water's edge and begin to swim perfectly! There is the problem, of course, that Pik-Pik is too small to carry Izzy, but the rest of the team molded a surf board with their abilities and presented to her the day after Aden became her mate.

There are obvious differences to Pik than any normal Pikachu, besides the surfing ability--her ears are rather tufted, permenantly ruffled, and her tail is ruined, due to a ruthless fight against a Gabite when she was in the wild. Izzy was sad to hear when she took Pik to the Pokemon Center her tail could never heal, and thus she could never evolve due to the trauma (The fact that she responds to three nicknames and refuses to be called anything but Pikachu, might also be another reason) of what she faced as a younger Pokemon. Pik-Pik carries a Light Ball, which raises her electricity so she won't loose her natural abilities (If Pikachu started only using her Surf move, she would gradually lose ability for electric attacks). Similar to Soren, Pik also has a Hardy nature, and is dearly loved by all the team. Up until recently, she was the youngest member of Izzy's team.

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