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Power Pup by inuHein

Power Pup


Well uh time to get kinda personal. Just need to get it out.

I'm an extremely nervous and anxious person, mainly when it comes to new situations I've never dealt with. Terrified I'll fuck up, that I won't know what I have to do and people will judge me or scold me or yell at me. It's a pretty irrational fear that I hate but have had to deal with all my life. I get shaky and cold and fidgety, and sometimes the thought "Why the fuck am I like this. What is wrong with me." lingers and only makes things worse.

So it basically makes the simplest tasks way, way more difficult than they are.

This year I'm doing a bunch of things I wouldn't even dream of doing. But I'm doing it. I'm doing it despite this fucking shit I have to deal with. Because I have to, because I need to. Because I fucking want to.

It's something I'll have to keep living with, I think that's for sure, but I'm determined to do my best to not let it control me. I won't let it stop me.

PS: I realize not everyone deals with the same kind of anxiety. Please don't take this as a "suck it up" kind of thing. I'm just talking about me, how I feel, and my own personal way of coping.

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    As someone who had OCD diagnosed (finally) at the beginning of this year, I hear you. Doing new things is especially hard, but once you've tried them and got the initial experience it becomes a lot less worrisome. I'm guessing FWA is among your list, but once it comes around you'll be having so much fun there you won't even have time to feel nervous.

    Make sure you take the time out to take care of yourself. You don't have to put yourself under constant pressure to perform or to live up to expectations, you just need to know that you're doing your best and that, actually, it's pretty stressful doing things you've never done before or that you know you have difficulties with. You know your own strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else, so don't feel bad for doing what you have to do to get through. Actively give yourself permission to take time out of the day to draw or watch TV or listen to music, or doing whatever it is that brings you comfort; if you've got something unpleasant that needs doing, spend some time getting it done and out of the way and then take a well-deserved rest. Make sure you give yourself due credit for working hard and doing things that don't come naturally.

    Oh, and I'll let you in on something: I've seriously admired you for a long while because you're the kind of person who cares intensely about how much they feel like they're worth to others. It's people like you who are willing to admit to their own weaknesses to try and improve, and who will go to great lengths and bear considerable burdens to make sure they don't hurt or inconvenience others. It takes an awful lot of integrity to devote so much of your mental time and energy to a principle like this that you become perpetually anxious and distressed that you're not living up to your own incredibly high standards. People like you go on to be highly successful and devoted and bring continuous joy to the people they meet, so don't be afraid to slow down and take the time to appreciate yourself, otherwise you will just distress yourself more and more than you're not meeting your impossibly perfect targets. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes or fall short because I know (and I think you know too) that you'll just use them to keep bettering yourself and keep moving forward.


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    Honestly I experience a lot of anxiety problems myself and that's one of the major ones I have to deal with every day so I totally understand!

    I know we don't know each other but I'm still super proud of you cause that stuff's real dang hard to get past

    Congrats and here's hoping you're able to keep it from keeping you to do the stuff you want to!

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    La verdad quisiera ayudarte, pero no pueda ya que no se los suficiente sobre el tema...puedo de que....recordarte lo mucho que te admiró. Eh sentido que te tranquiliza o te alegra que alguien te lo diga, así que es bueno escuchar lo mucho que le importas a varía gente, aunque sea que no se conozcan mutuamente.
    Siempre es bueno ver ese tipo de insistía en alguien. Si quieres yo podría ayudar con cosas como....Apollo moral o algo así >w<
    Confió en que puedes lograr todo lo que quieras ^^
    Zen-pie te deseó mucha suerte ^^ yo sé que puedes hacerlo