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Character Spotlight: Par [Story] by InfiniteSilence

Character Spotlight: Par [Story]


Name: Parlante
Age: Nonlinear
Species: “Mouse” “Djinni”
Height: 5'8”
Sex: Usually Male
Gender: I didn't even start 'er!
Sexuality: Like a trolling, flirty, bisexual with goblin energy, but with a question mark after the bisexual part
Alignment: He swears Lawful Good and technically has more information than we do
Thickness: Slender up top, plush down below
Frame: Bottom-heavy, femboy; more hourglass leaning when female
Musculature: Swimmer's physique
Intelligence: one day AI may evolve to be able to calculate just how stupid he chooses to be
Sanity: Bizarrely, improbably, nothing to complain about


Par is an inveterate tease and kind of a nerd besides. He loves bad jokes, dad jokes, and goofy references, which he will absolutely throw at you in contexts associated with world domination and reality warping. The mouse loves to cause trouble. Often, he willfully chooses to act as a genie, hiding somewhere innocuous and waiting for somebody to dig him up so he can cause chaos by granting their wishes his way, sassing all the while.
That said, he's not malicious, and will usually offer an alternative if the wish you give would be truly bad for you [unless you were a huge dick to him first], and rather than teaching moral lessons or just being a dick, his twisting things around is usually to try and make the world more 'fun' for everybody.
Given that he's a horny bastard he has a pretty specific definition of fun.
Outside of “work” as a genie, Par is pretty social, enjoying clubbing and meeting new people a lot more than the rest of his family. By mortal standards he is actually the most stable and understandable of the elder gods by a fairly wide margin... although in some ways this makes him MORE off-putting, as his complete nonchalance regarding timeline alteration, universe creation and destruction, or N-dimensional spacial presence mixed in with what usually seems like a pretty normal twink comes as much more of a shock than his mother at least intentionally playing it up.

-Reality Warping: Not true omnipotence, but Par has the ability to alter the world around himself and his own body quite freely, in fact, the powers he professes to missing range from things like 'Non-fractional Multimanifestation' 'No Autochronal Barriers' and 'Causality Resistance' that barely register as things to mortals... to ones that don't register -at all-
-Smoke Body: Par's body is effectively not all there, which has several benefits. For starters, he registers as weighing barely a single pound, regardless of what medium you're attempting to weigh him in, making him easy to pick up and play with. To continue, he's durable, but feels extremely soft, like a giant pillow that can will itself to retain its shape. Most materials pass right through if he's not trying to interact with them.

Par's story starts surprisingly normal. His mother was feeling impulsive one night. Mind you this specific mother was something very much like an elder god so that impulsiveness could have ended very poorly.
Aria, his mother, was grumbling about her brother undoing her latest edits to reality, slapping her shit, and more or less putting her in time out. She hated being managed and she especially hated that she could never get one over on her brother.
So she hatched a plan to copy most of her ability into a completely separate entity from herself, somebody with zero filter on making wide, sweeping changes but few ambitions of his own. Somebody who could do anything but mostly preferred to follow others lead. Somebody cute and unassuming and easy to ignore. Somebody who could go off and do her kind of thing while she was playing distraction.
It worked perfectly! Except for the part where her brother could still manage the both of them just fine and it didn't actually achieve the stated goal.
Still, the entity she created came out just as intended. He even shared her sassy sense of humor and love of chaos.
Aria was more than happy to keep him around, training him in use of his powers, and looking after him. She still loathes actually acting motherly, but she's equipped him with everything he needs, always listens, does her best to help earnestly when he's lost, and even bakes the occasional cake. Par, in turn, is all too happy to have a home.
Even if all the rest of what he does is bouncing around the multiverse causing trouble.

Fun Facts:
Par's favorite foods are all banana derived. He initially started eating them because they were phallic and made for a hilarious genie entrance, but he quickly realized, “Hang on, these are actually delicious.” His absolute favorite is Aria's Banana String Pie.
Despite defaulting to femboy, Par doesn't -really- have a biological sex or even gender identity as we understand it, and is more than happy to transform his body between any appearance based on what he finds situationally appropriate. He will still claim male if pressed, though.
Because he has a much more fluid perception of time and much fewer hangups, Par has actually ended up older than Aria in terms of 'total time spent conscious'. They both agree that she is, tragically, still the more mature of them.

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