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「♫/Tajitsu」 by Industry



a repost for my Weasyl gallery.

『♫/Dom & Roland Feat. Noisia: Tajitsu』

Worldbuilding. a Refsheet for the Lienn Nation called the Bastion Of Harvest's Defense Forces. The soldiers known as "Rain-Men". A name given to them from their use of nature defying weather manipulation technology that allows them to create rains, storms and monsoons on command to shroud their movements and baffle their enemies and strike from the rain.


Tetra-Weave Lienn Combat Armour. Bastion of Harvest configuration. Tetra-Weave is the most common for of armour used by the Lienn species. while offering a lower protection compared to other armor types used by other species, Tetra-Weave still remarkably lightweight and comfortable for it's level of protection offered. Lienn posses natural agility and higher reflexes which is nearly unhindered by Tetra-Weave. the Bastion of Harvest's armour is built with superior weatherproofing. The almost conical "Farmer Hats" are the signature design of Harvest's military. to honor the guerilla fighters, who disguised themselves as farmers, that toppled and purged the brutal agri-socialist regime of Harvest's dark past.

RainStalker Assault Rifle. unlike most major Lienn nations, who favour "Shock Carbine" Weapons, the Bastion of Harvest prefer the more simple ballistic RainStalker rifles. rugged and easy to maintain. capable of firing a rapid 3 round burst per pull of the trigger with deadly accuracy and an integrated suppressor, the RainStalker, used in conjunction with nearby weather manipulation technology allows the "Rain-men" Soldiers to perform their infamous rain combat. moving through the veil of rain, sounds and flash masked by the integrated suppressor system and the noise of rain allows them to fight nearly unseen.

"Shock Carbine". Particle Weapons commonly seen used by major nations of the Lienn species. more akin to a battle rifle, these powerful energy weapons fire single bolts of ions directly at the target, imparting kinetic, thermal and EMP damage to targets. Ion Particle weapons are well known for their effectiveness agains energy barriers. while the Bastion of Harvest's Shock Carbines are often passed in favour of the RainStalker rifle by the Rain-Men soldiers for it's stealth capabilities that are used in conjunction with their artificial storms, and the adverse effects of weather upon this weapon makes frequent maintenance bothersome, Shock Carbines are still a vital part of the Bastion Of Harvest's defense corps, where the need for greater firepower is required against enemies using energy barrier technology and/or Weather Manipulation technology is not available or unfavorable. The Rain-Men are expected to be trained in using either weapon should the need arise.

Field Machete. a heavy sharpend blade used for utility purposes.

Ballistic Handgun. A simple ballistic weapon used as a fallback weapon. in typical Lienn fashion, these weapons are elaborately decorated. mostly with electrum or bronze finishes.

Heavy Gear:

Portable (Electronic CounterMeasure) ECM Scrambler. As the modern battlezones are always under the watchful eyes of technology capable of spotting the signatures of enemy movement, ECM technology is needed to counter it. through a varaity of ways, from counter-signals, "smokescreening/noise polluting", signature displacement or outright invisible to scanning technology. ECM Technology is incredibly vital. The Bastion of Harvest's ECM uses ambient rain to further enhance it's ECM capabilities. essentially making the Rain-Men invisible from scanners under the rain.

Individual Barrier Unit. Used to enhance the survivability of soldiers in high intensity combat zones, while backpack mounted for the main body, shoulder, forearm and knee emitters are placed to maximize protection Barrier tech is passed over for an ECM Scrambler as long as the Bastion forces can manipulate local weather to hide in storms. however should greater survivability be required, and storm hit and run tactics prove inadequate, Barriers are used alongside with the less subtle but more powerful Shock Carbines

Light Gear:

Extended Range (ER) field comms unit. while the helmets complete with communication gear, they are often short range and used for unit level communication, as well as interference from enemy ECM technology. The ER Field Comms Unit is carries an encrypter engine and EC-CM to protect transmissions between a unit and field commands. Bastion of Harvest model has superior weatherproofing.

Mess Kit W/ Rations.
contains a water filtering canteen with moisture collector, messkit with utensils, portable flameless mini-stove and a species appropriate MRE enhanced with required calories and nutrients. The most common meal pack contents for Lienn MRE's are dried rice noodles and a tea bag containing the soup base. packets of dried herbs, peppers, preserved meats and lime juice. an individual snack and a tea bag for drink.

Light Sources. Variable intensity flashlight and nuclear lantern. common and plentiful, the portable lantern is powered by nuclear material capable of recharging its onboard battery for light. capable of a bright white light for 6 hours, using the battery. or a low intensity orange glow continuously. white the lantern is quite heavy due to the shielding materials around the radioactive core, it's batteries also doubles as a portable power recharger for the flashlight and various electronics. it can also work as a portable heater as it also contains heating coils. usually shared at a team level, the nuclear lantern is indispensable piece of equipment.

Individual Field Medkit (Bastion of Harvest). Produced by Harvest Central Pharmaceuticals Industries. plentiful as it is important, the IFM contains single use medical supplies used to hopefully keep a soldier alive and stable until proper medical attention is received. Contents designed for Lienn physiology. standard pack Stimulant injector. cauterizing foam, antiseptic, bandages and healing biogel. Medkits are regularly inspected to prevent stimulant abuse. which is grounds for punishment.

Also the green and blue colors are simply from the different prefecture-systems within the Bastion of Harvest.
(the blue scheme was suggested by my friend BetaKrogoth)

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