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The Tribes of Dog by Huskyteer (critique requested)

The Alpha Pair begins the song

Calling to the clans along the snow

Whale-ivory sinew-strung on whiter pelts.

The Old Man Tawny walks from the Dreaming

On hard cracked pads; shakes off the red dust

Curls his yellow tail, and sits.

Two black-backed tricksters next

Across the border of the old world and the new

Clasp sly paws to whisper mischiefs in each other's ears.

The Painted matriarch

Clicks and sparks with shells and beads

Freckling her pied-cloud-constellated fur.

Lastly, the maned, masked Mayan

That shy high-stepping apple-eater of the pampas

Turquoise-clawed and quetzal-quilled.

Joined in a ring, they lift their white throats taut

And fill the firelight with a starry note

The song of the Tribes of Dog.

The Tribes of Dog (critique requested)


I can't draw, so you get this verbal painting instead.

Submission Information

Literary / Poetry / Lyrics


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    It is nice to find another who can paint colors with black and white. It's challenging to paint on a canvas that varies with every reader and colors that change with a thought.

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      What a lovely comment! Thank you!

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        You are very welcome. That's how i see writing. It's painting a scene with words. Beyond even the visual art. Words paint not only the scene but the world and the emotions that surround it.. And I have a personal love for poetry. it's what I write mostly. I really should bring what i have written over on DA here also. I try to comment on what I favorite. You meet interesting folks that way. May the moon light your path.