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Villainous origins by How2101 (critique requested)

Villainous origins (critique requested)


Two young, rather foolish pals Dell and How, being the foolish fools they were, decided to foolishly venture into a supposedly "abandoned" laboratory.

unknownst to the duo, they had somehow triggered two vats filled with very sinister-looking liquid ...

before they could react, pipes plunged into the two's mouths, while thick leather straps quickly slung themselves over their shoulders, fastening the tanks to their own backs. The pipes immeadiately began pumping sticky, glowing liquid down the duo's throats, forcing them to swallow more and more of the rubbery-tasting stuff.

How and Dell fought feebly to resist the intense, powerful suction of the pipes, but found themselves unable to wrestle their mouths free from the tubing.

The unfortunate duo found themselves vomiting the liquid back up - but the second it left their mouths, it stuck to their faces, rapidly spreading outwards. The gooey slime glued the pumping pipes to their open, vulnerable mouths, fusing the two together and erasing any chance of escape for either of them. The pipes were unstoppable, relentless waves of toxic liquid were now surging through the duo's nervous, diegestive, and blood systems - which were beginning to dissolve into the rubber.

Both of their brains became cloudier and cloudier as the mixture began working with their memories and thoughts. Erasing, hypnotising, brainwashing.

Embrace the goo. It is good. Embrace the power. Dominate the earth. Spread the goo.

How's body began bulging as it was rapidly covered by thickening strands of purple and yellow goo. He was growing in size rapidly, the fattening rubber mixture rapidly adding new muscle and weight to his body. However, with every inch of growth, his intelligence seemed to drop accordingly - How found it harder and harder to remember even basic math and science. W-why was it so . . .painful to think?

Wh . . . why . . . was it . . . necessary to think?

You are strong. You don't need brains. Just punch. Violence solves everything.

Meanwhile, Dell was having a different experience.

Green and red rubber rapidly coated his body, but he didn't grow any - in fact, he shrunk an inch - though what he did have was quickly being converted to muscle. his antlers shrunk and fused into the rubber, spreading out over his head and sharpening into thick, small spines. New, knifelike strands of rubber erupted from his back, joining his changing antlers in forming needlelike spines that extended from his head to his back.

As the last remaining mental traces of the duo faded away, a thin, black plastic coating covered their eyes, forming thick, heavy goggles.

How and Dell were no more.

Theomine and Norogast were born.

Rubber will reign. They will make sure of it. With Theomine's expertise in rubber creation and Norogast's brute strength, the supervillains will be nearly unstoppable . . .

However, they need minions. Goons. Lackeys.

You will make a nice fit.

Apply to become a rubber henchperson today!

Collaboration with playfingers that turned out really well! I did the sketching and shading, and Dell did the inking and coloring! Thanks again to ya playfingers for joining me on this villainous crusade!