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Team Rocket training by How2101 (critique requested)

Team Rocket training (critique requested)


"Ah, good afternoon! Glad to see you're awake!

No introductions will be needed - my name isn't important, and in a little bit neither is yours. A good pokemon shouldn't know his trainer as anything more than his master, after all!

Why the shocked face? Ah, you don't look like a pokemon? That will be easily remedied ... or so my top scientists tell me. And if they're wrong, you'll be finding yourself some new teammates rather soon . . .

But that's being pessimistic. I personally like to look on the positive side of things. My goons just need to finish stringing the harness around your body and the experiment will begin!

You may feel a bit uncomfortable as you feel odd, rubberlike strands dripping from the harness, oozing and squeezing around your body. That's okay. You're just not used to your TRUE form yet. The form in which you were meant to be.

Nevertheless, you'll can't help but find it distrubingly pleasant. You're enjoying this, I can tell by your strained facial expressions. You don't want to give me that satisfaction, do you? There's no shame in admitting its ... intoxicating appeal. Your friends will never see this, nor will your family. I suppose, in fact, they'll never see YOU again, either. So don't worry about shame or embarrassment. To the contrary, we're very happy to see your enjoyment.

Hmm, not ready to warm up yet to your new home, your new family? I understand. Complete indoctrination doesn't just happen in a day! Loyalty to team rocket can only be truly built by love, dedication, and working with friends and brothers for a single, glorious cause.

However, I belive a month or two stuck in your new body getting bombarded with our patented indoctrination technology is a fitting substitute. After all, the duties of a good team rocket pokemon aren't very complex! Just obey and fight for your master ...

Well, I believe I'll leave you to my team now, an admin has a very busy schedule, after all! I can't spend all day conversing with someone who won't even remember this talk tomorrow.

I can see you squirming underneath the mask. Struggling, squeaking, shivering as the harness forces you into a quadrepedal position and the gooey rubber squeezes tightly against your bare skin.

My team is more than capable of breaking you. They've done it a hundred times before. There's no hope of escape. Only . . . bliss. bliss and obedience to team rocket.

Don't worry, you'll love your new life. You'll be treated well by whichever lowly grunt gets you, free of the petty struggles and stresses of human thought.

I look forwards to seeing your progress over the coming weeks. Who knows, if you behave well enough I'll keep you for myself . . .

Welcome to the team, Zoura!

Gooey Zorua fullbody comm for Aira on discord, featuring his human self becoming trapped and sealed inside a zorua suit! He'll sit inside for a few months while he both physically and mentally changes into an obedient, loyal team rocket Zorua!

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