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The Paring by Hetzer Korps

The Paring

Hetzer Korps

Here we have my first ever commission done by Wolfkidd in one of his streams. It was a great experience and the picture came out wonderfully.

Here we see Kira and Dylan's first meeting, when Dylan had to climb into her hand for the first time. Enjoy!

There is a story series behind this picture! If you're interested, start here:

High Resolution version here:

Wolfkidd's post:

Also... bonus! Here's a little snippet from that scene, but shown from Master Sergeant Samuel Mitchell's point of view.

Mitchell, with his mech's optics focused on the meeting, silently watched the medic freeze up in front of his new guardian. He saw that one coming the moment he identified him. He let out a small sigh and sent a message to Kira, “That kid is a survivor of the bombardment zone. You know the stories from that place.”

He watched as a Marine stepped forward and tried to shock some of that blind military obedience into the Guardsman. As he railed into him, the old Ranger found himself wondering what he was going to do with Maddock. If he couldn't get him out of here, then he needed to figure out how to handle him. If he even could. He was probably going to be the first human to wash out of the UTO military. What a wonderful way to hurt an already damaged person.

The UTO military wanted a mixed bag of human troops to help tune the program. Simply taking on a bunch of hardened commandos was hardly a good way to set up a program for regular soldiers. But this? This was just ridiculous. As a Guardsman he was already at a disadvantage in training, but now stack on this trauma and it was just a recipe for ruin.

He watched as Maddock pulled himself together and climbed into the wolfess's palm then watched as she fell in with the rest of the newly christened guardians. Good. The man at least had his willpower. That was a start.

He saw a few things happening in the future. He might be able to get him quietly discharged from the program without too much fuss to save him the embarrassment. If Maddock didn't want to leave then something could go wrong. Something that could get him forcibly removed and perhaps even bring attention onto him, making his problems worse.

Or, if he did everything right, he could help this man. He would pass through this program, find the help he needed with his guardian, and enter the new universe remade. Talk about a lofty goal.

He smirked.

He loved a challenge.

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Visual / Sketch