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The Level 257 Arcade by hambor12

The Level 257 Arcade


The staff of Traverse's Arcade, which acts as not only a center of entertainment, but an archive of all sorts of video games and as a de facto court of law for the space port. People tend to settle minor conflicts and judgements in the arcade, with the staff acting as mediators. Led by the curious and eccentric Mr. Puckmann, it is a central fixture of Traverse.

Goro - A mysterious boy made entirely of light so bright that it literally obliterates those that stare upon him directly, hence why he wears a full bodysuit and specialized helmet. He's less an employee and more of Mr. Puckmann's ward, since he felt most comfortable in the arcade than anywhere else after being plucked from Outspace. A lover of dancing games.

Jackie - A Riolu who is both a muay thai prodigy and a well-respected tournament organizer of fighting games. Having run away from home due to her father, popular martial artist and colossal asshole Siege Tremble, subjected her to transphobic abuse, she found refuge as an arcade hopper and bodyguard which led her to Traverse. She is the apprentice of Puckmann and acts as a secondary Judge in his place due to her skill as a referee.

Jess - A peppy gal with a steady hand and a love of mobile games. She runs the prize counter, and is Jackie's girlfriend. How she knew and came to Traverse is a mystery, though she seems to conspicuously waive her skill with firearms to mobile games. She's possibly a runaway mafia princess for the Evanston Outfit, and one of the Union's top sharpshooters before her "retirement". In the court she's a de facto bailiff.

Mr. Puckmann - HOLY SHIT IT'S PAC MAN... kind of. A Shapenoid alien who is a well-read and fair Judge, he built the arcade as a museum of gaming and the judge part came second. Sometimes undergoes unexplained brain-farts but is a good boss, if... strange. Also, he doesn't seem to know how to close his mouth.

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