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Toner FATS 2 by Gulliver

Toner FATS 2


Toner didn’t realize he was waddling into a trap when his friend invited him over for brunch. After all, everyone knew he’d only just regained mobility after the last overzealous stuffing and after a struggle had even found some old gym shorts that stretched enough to fit.

It wasn’t until he arrived and was greeted by a huge table of food that he became a little suspicious. Once his belly settled onto the ground and his toes again with the dog just snacking and standing by the table, the warning lights went off. There was little he could do at that point though and steadily, his massive rump settled onto the floor. The food from the table began to float, surrounded by a green mist. Item by item began packing its way into his snout while his greedy host grinned and watched.

Bigger, softer, heavier the husky grew. His ears tucked at the sound of his shorts ripping apart but he couldn’t stop the gastronomical assault. Instead he settled in and ate until the last of the table was emptied, After all, the food WAS delicious.

As the remaining treats, the last of which being a swarm of cookies, flowed toward his snout, his host picked up the phone . Toner’s ears twitched as he could hear only bits and pieces around his own munching.

"Toner………trapped……feed him……come on…..soon"

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