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New walking paw animation WIP by GuineaPigDan

New walking paw animation WIP


It's been 6 years since I originally posted my Flash animated walking paw cycle. I haven't done any new Flash animations in a while because I lost my license to CS6, however recently I rediscovered I still had a product key for CS5 and got Flash back! But before I start offering any new Flash animation commissions, I wanted to update and refine my old paw animation. However to change things up a bit, I decided to animate this traditionally first before I make it digital. I worked on this animation during Further Confusion at my artist alley table. It was difficult since I was only able to fit one paw on the page (the other paw had to be mirrored) and I had no idea how the animation would look until I scanned all the pages and turned them into a GIF. But overall I think it's looking all right so far. I will be posting a second WIP later and then eventually make a new Flash animation based on it.

Improvements I plan to make: get size of toes consistent, make the top of the foot and ankle less wobbly, and make the lifting heel action of the walk look better. Also, I'm thinking of making 3 and 5 toe foot versions of this animation once I get this to look smoother.

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Visual / Animation