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ANNABELLE-Varients by GoblinHordeStudios



If you haven't seen the first set of variants you can view Vicki's here and Lisa's here

MODERN: She changed a Little bit over time, mostly from practice drawing her. however in this set of variants she was hard to draw so she looks kinda awkward.

PROTOTYPE: Annabelle was originally going to be that stereotypical shy busty trope but I felt it was overdone after some thought she changed into shy flat chested and secretly devious.

BUFF: It is what it is, I think the heat is effecting my drawing judgement, couldn't focus enough to make it a better pose and picture.

GENDERBEND: Annabelle is a book worm so I feel like if she was a guy she would have a more active scholarly hobby like battle robot building lol.

SPHINX: was going to make her a flying pig which would combine the mythical creature variant and the chubby variant but I couldn't think of any other variants at the time so I made her a sphinx instead. Which I think works better for her given the amount of books shes read I'm sure she knows some riddles.

CHUBBY: harder to do then Vicki and Lisa, redrew it multiple times and still not satisfied with it. since she doesn't really have any curves enhance her figure out I kinda imagine she would have more of a belly compared to the rest of her but It came out funny looking, so I drew her more even.

TALL: Annabelle is mostly oblivious to the fact that shes the least curvy of the girls but instead is rather self conscious about her height and often wishes she were taller.

What are your guys's thoughts, which ones your favorite, any advice?

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