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Periwinkle Pupper by FamiliarAlien

Periwinkle Pupper


I did it I am finally a dog.

Lol I made a joke a while back that I wanted to be a real furry finally and make a dog fursona like all the cool kids have so I did. Chose a basset hound because they're a french breed with a lot of health problems (like me) that are fun to draw and aren't particularly overdone within furry spaces.
Also went with the more gender neutral version of my name since while I usually just ID as a man I'm actually a bit more genderfluid than that. Having a agender self representation finally was a nice change of pace.

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Visual / Digital


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    Congratulations on becoming a true furry. Now all you need is a fursuit!

    You look great as a basset hound. I love the giant ears, they look like you could use them as a parachute or something. And the colour scheme suits you perfectly too!

    My only suggestion would be to reword the part that says "a bit fat but otherwise lovely and very talented" because it implies that being fat is inconsistent with being lovely and talented - which is totally not the case!

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      Thank you :3. Also note the "a bit fat but..." thing is actually a reference to an ad for a free kitten I definitely don't think being lovely and very talented and fat are mutually exclusive things!

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        Ahhh thanks for clarifying that! I figured it was a joke but I didn't know the context and just didn't want Gene-hound to lose self-esteem about their appearance. (For the record I'm generally out of touch with memes and other internet references so a lot of things go over my head. =P)

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          No problem, honestly I probably should have put that in the description of the post. Sometimes I forget not everyone spends way too much time online looking at memes and other online silliness xP