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Burger Queen by Giraffezilla

Burger Queen


Day 1

Dear diary,

Repressing my inner kaiju is going incredibly well, after only 50 rounds of tranquilizers at the support group yesterday, and 5 members permanently added to my mass, I have succeeded in becoming a normal, thin giraffe once more. It's oddly quiet without my steps quaking the floor as I walk along, how do people do it, how do people singalong to the beat of their non-existent thooms?

Eh, anyways, I'm back down to what, an EE cup? I can actually fit in my old bras again that's for sure. Being 298lbs isn't so bad, I've still got a little bit of heft at least.

Day 4

I know I'm heavily built for a giraffe but will people just stop staring? I'm not used to looking at them so...face-to-face, of course I still look above their heads because of my neck but it's not the same as seeing them running around like little pleading ants...I couldn't help but shiver and wriggle my toes uncomfortable in these darn normy shoes. It was on the subway train that I realized this,my jewelry seems to pack quite a punch when it bumps into people if I'm not careful, but I'm more concerned about being packed so snugly into those blasted tight trains, it's enough to make a girl huff!

I suppose a small amount of stress eating couldn't hurt, after all once you've had a teenager's face buried into your arm blubber for an hour on the train it does put quite the tiredness on one's mind.

Day 14

Good old Burger King, I can always count on it to lift my happiness. And my dress size. Fuck. Had to go for a bust measurement today, followed by everything else, I could've sworn one of the shop assistants almost didn't have enough tape to go around my entire ass. They've told me if I... ahem make my figure any more 'generous', I won't be able to keep up with my rehabilitation. I'm not even a monster though, just a rather...corpulent giraffe, there's other corpulent normies out there right? That weigh the same as a car right?

Day 15

I'm beyond clothing, my final set of threads have been swamped and shredded by a wave of fat bulging through the seams. It's not everyday I explode out from them, on one of the busiest sidewalks in the city no less. Do you know how hard it is to cover 1020lbs of fat with such comparatively small but wonderfully manicured darling ahem hands? I have high vanity as much as the next person, but being practically as large as a fully loaded van I have no desire to let the public see a mini-giantess ssbbw giraffe waddling around in the nude, although it is fairly difficult, I'm camping out in an alleyway and venting in you diary to take my mind away from thoughts of greater power, hunger, bignes-

the rest of the page is nothing but more words associated with obesity

Day 18

the monster is retaking control, 20 people reside in the belly of a goddess, hungrily groaning for more, i can feel my tail fattening, my maw saliva-

the rest of the page is too stained with drool to be read any further
attached to the back of the diary is image 1.2 (see above) and a full log of all the people shaken out of subway trains and into Lady Kubwa's mouth


Original Post

Artwork © arkvaveen

Character, Lady Kubwa © Giraffezilla Giraffezilla

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