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Size Queen by Giraffezilla

Size Queen


Power. Size.

The two things the tall, thin giraffe CEO craved the most, but never received. Until today. Fat piled on fat, on more fat, as the voracious beast devoured her way through staff, each one adding their own mass to the mix, fattening her monstrous blubber.

The leviathan's gut sagged heavily over her widened hips and disgustingly large frame, smacking her chops as she satiated her greed further, emptying the lobby of her proud corporation skyscraper, and leaving it in ruins with no more than a gassy, pent-up burp in it's memory.

No-one could outrun her now immense girth and tremendous size. No-one.
No matter how slow she paced, hefty footfalls cracking the concrete like eggshells, she'd grab them in the lardy palm of her hand.

First individuals. Then small groups. Then entire crowds by the handful, all serving the glutton's hunger now, all about to become MORE of her.

Of course the magnitude of her growth boomed, reducing decades of construction into rubble with no more than a plush, smack-able gigantic ass, and a thick, fat uncaring tail, snaring and coiling itself around skyscrapers lazily.

Her once mighty business empire now shivers and cracks in the swelling mass of her gut, crumbling to pieces under an even more almighty woman.

Earthquakes off the charts and screaming citizens fleeing the city, it mattered not. She WILL devour them all. Sacrifices. In her name.

A new goddess was born.

And, looking down at her fat slab of a belly, realizing the cost of her greed, she grins toothily.

"I, I NEED more..."

Hope you liked my little short story, descriptions will have more of them in future sweeties <3

Artwork (c) mirina mirina

Colours/Character, Lady Kubwa (c) Giraffezilla Giraffezilla

Submission Information

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    nice origin story 'w'