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Furry Effect - Phoenix Vanguard by Ghostbear

Furry Effect - Phoenix Vanguard


"Heavy reaper unit inbound, Commander. Left flank. They will be on top of us in a manner of minutes." Ghostbear's teammate sounded worried. Their team has been dropped in a hot zone and reaper units just kept coming.
"Hold your position, team. Keep hacking the terminal, we need that data. I'll take care of that problem. Retreat to extraction zone as soon as you are ready. I will rejoin you there. But don't wait for me if this thing goes sideways." He paused for a moment. "You are in command for now."
"Affirmative" His Lieutenant hesitated for a moment, than added "Just be careful, Commander. You still owe me a beer."
Whatever answer the urside wanted to give ... it was cut off by the bone-piercing scream of a Banshee. Glancing to the left Ghostbear ignited his biotic lashes, bright blue energy dancing over the surface. He body was tense, ready to spring into action in a split second
"Come at me, ugly"

Awesome and cool work done by the highly talented   furrybob
THAAAANK you so much! You really did great on the body armor and everything ... and really captured that bad ass look! ^_^
Nobody should mess with this bear. :3

Submission Information

Visual / Digital