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A Gift of Dragons by GameFreak38

    Aily regained her bearings as the light engulfing her began to fade.  The blue light that had transported her here was retracting behind her, heading back towards the symbol on the wall that represented herself.  She was in the legendary temple where the guardians convened.
    She looked down at her feet.  The floor was made of solid, transparent crystal.  Underneath that was clean water, filled to the brim with fishes and thriving plant life.  It was common knowledge amongst the guardians that the contents under the atrium floor represented the state of the archipelago.  The water and life underneath symbolized the purity of the land, a new age of prosperity of the region since the Demon Lord's defeat years ago.
    In the center of the atrium, a beautiful, blossoming garden sat, surrounded by several miniature waterfalls.  The prominent feature was a metal staff in the center of the garden, accompanied by an orb floating above it.  This orb allowed the guardians to see any place of the archipelago at any time they desire, keeping them ever vigilant in their duties.
    As she approached the garden, her eyes rose to gaze upon the surrounding walls.  Several protrusions stuck out, each with a carving of the symbol of a particular guardian.  This was the way they can be brought here if they are summoned.  Aily was still trying to figure out why she was called.
    Chaoshi was meditating amongst some flowers sitting near one of the waterfalls.  He seemed rather focused on his task, making Aily approach slowly.  As if he sensed her, one of his eyes opened when she was a few feet away.  She stopped in an instant.  He just grinned lightly in response.
    "Good to see you Aily."
    She got on her knee, as a customary gesture of the guardians when they met their leader.  "It is nice to see you again Chaoshi."
    Chaoshi stretched his legs before standing up.  "Your birthday is coming up."
    " that why you summoned me?  Seems kind of strange."
    "It is...a bit unorthodox, yes.  However, I do have a good reason for the summoning you."
    "That being?"
    "Hmph.  You'll see.
    Chaoshi clapped his hands together and the two were immediately covered in another light.  Seconds later, the light faded, shocking Aily with what she now saw.  They appeared to have been in some sort of town, except that it was completely abandoned and left in a state of slow decay.  What looked like to be once beautiful stone buildings were cracking and eroding.  Remnants of exquisite courtyards surrounded them, left with dry fountains and a few surviving flowers.
    "Where are we Chaoshi?"
    The Yoshi crossed his arms, flapping his fins slightly.  "We are at Neish."
    The name struck her immediately.  She remembered reading about this island, the supposed home of the Aurian Yoshis.  For all intents and purposes, it was inferred that this was where Chaoshi was likely born.  The thought on why she took him here came instantly.  Her leader sensed it.
    "Once again, you'll see," he reassured."
    Chaoshi started forward, leading Aily through what remained of this town.  Her head was constantly turning, taking in the quiet environment.  She had always wanted to visit this place and see how might the Aurians have lived.  The structures were very simple, but even in their state they still held a sort of beauty to them.  Many of the structures she could tell used to be former libraries or shrines.
    "The Aurians have always had a strong sense of faith," Chaoshi began.  "Of course, you are also aware of their research in the energies that make up our world."
    "Yes, but little else seems to be known about them."
    "Indeed.  One day I hope to uncover the truth, but we are not here to discuss history.  At least...not in this sense."
    "What do you mean?"
    Chaoshi didn't answer, continuing to lead her down a sidewalk towards the sea.  At the end of this path, Aily could see several marble columns standing tall, but with no roof to support.  In the center was a podium, but not one for placing a book on.  Chaoshi turned his head to her.
    "This is why we are here.  This is the holiest of shrines on the island.  One that will allow us to speak to the watcher of the Aurian race."
    Aily heart rate increased a bit, excitement building within.  There was never a record of the appearance of this being.
    Chaoshi approached the podium in the center and placed his hands in two indentations.  As he closed his eyes, he began to recite an incantation in the ancient Yoshian dialect.  Aily was lost on the translation, having unfortunately never learned the language herself.
    When finished, the ocean waters in front of them began to ripple, increasing in intensity by the second.  A geyser of water then erupted, raining upon the two as they stood there.  Aily flinched a slight bit, the force a bit stronger than she was comfortable with.  The water cleared and there it was; a serpent that stood tall above the waves created.
    Chaoshi bowed immediately.  "Lios."
    "Chaoshi."  His voice was loud, yet gentle.  "I assume today is the day you spoke of?"
    "Yes.  I have brought her with me."  His hand gestured toward Aily.
    She just stood there, in awe of seeing this serpent.
    "The Guardian of Water...a pleasure to finally see you."
    Aily was at a loss for words.  By instinct, she naturally lowered herself back onto one knee.  The ribbons on her outfit waved violently in her movement.  "It' honor to meet you Lios."  She struggled to avoid stuttering.
    "Aily.  Tell me, what do you know of your own origin?"
    Aily moved her attention to the ground for a moment before returning to face the serpent.  "I've been told that I am a descendent of my water dragon ancestors.  Their incredible control of the waters are what is said to have helped for the islands to be what they are today.  My power is nothing to their own."
    The serpent was silent for a moment.  "Chaoshi has talked to me in great detail about you.  Based on what he tells me, you have been a valuable asset to him and his fellow guardians.  He chose today as the day he wished for me to bestow something special upon to you."
    "Me?  But...I'm not an Aurian."
    "No, you are born of water dragon blood.  The serpents and water dragons share this same blood.  Even though you lack the fins, you are still part Aurian."  He waited for a moment to speak again.  "Chaoshi and myself can easily sense the purity in your heart; the same purity that matches with water itself.  It is only right that your true self is unlocked."
    Chaoshi turned to face her.  "Only holy beings such as Lios are able to unlock this power.  Not even I can bless this upon you.  I can only help."  He returned his attention to Lios.  "Let's do it."
    "Of course."  The serpent closed his eyes and began to speak in the ancient tongue.
    Aily remained on her knee, unsure of what to do.  A strange sensation began to envelop her as the serpent spoke.  Her head turned slightly to see Chaoshi on his knee as well, speaking in the same tongue.  A ring of light surrounded his body on the ground.  One then appeared around her.  The feeling was growing stronger, making her feel a bit dizzy.
    With each second, more energy could be felt within.  Her body wasn't in pain, but her strength was quickly fading.  She passed out in a blinding light, only being able to continue hearing the two speak.  Then, there was nothing but silence and things went to black.
    She could still feel this strange energy, unsure of what it was doing to her.  Some time passed before she could hear Lios' booming voice.
    "Arise Aily!"
    Hey eyesight returned slowly, fading in and out briefly until it stabilized.  She was facing the concrete as her arms were trying to lift her up.  Something felt wrong though, as if she was a different person.  Her eyes widened quickly as she felt her arms strengthen.  When she was back on her feet, she turned to Chaoshi, only to be shocked to see that he had turned into a pure dragon form.  He was grinning while his great white wings swayed in the breeze.  He crossed his arms as he inspected Aily.  "Take a look in the water."
    She quickly ran toward the sea to see her reflection.  She gasped at the sight.  Aily had fully transformed into a beautiful dragoness, sporting a pair of wings that matched the color of her skin.  Her hands went to her face, and then went down, feeling her new form.  Her hair was even longer than it was before.  Once she was done looking, she turned up to the serpent, who was also smiling.
    "The transformation went perfectly Aily, just as I thought it would.  In this form, you have total control of the water, rivaling the power of your ancestors.  You may shift in an out of this form as you please.  Also..."
    Aily tilted her head a bit, curious."
    "Your heart created an extra effect, one that I did not anticipate.  You can heal others with water, cleansing their wounds and healing their bones."
    She felt Chaoshi put a hand on her shoulder.  He was also smiling widely.
    "Never before had I seen a soul so pure.  Aily, try your power."
    Aily focused on a small segment of water.  She waved her hand around and watched as that section of water erupted and followed the turns that her hand made, matching the same force of movement as she changed it.  She grew ecstatic, sending the beam of water straight into the air before releasing it from her control.  She then took both her hands and rose them in the air.  An entire section of water erupted into a elegant geyser, raining on everyone and the nearby land.
    Lios nodded in approval.  "Use your power wisely Aily."  He turned to Chaoshi.  "Anything else?"
    "No, that will be all.  Thank you Lios."
    He nodded one last time before returning to the sea below.
    She returned to Chaoshi and embraced him.  "Thank you Chaoshi."
    "Happy Birthday Aily."
    With her new power, Aily swore to herself that she would purify the land, bringing joy to everyone and everything she would meet.

A Gift of Dragons


I wrote this story back in May. It was a birthday gift to AlexBluez.

Liked this story enough to go ahead and post it. It was the first story that I had written in ages that focused on Yoshis.


Chaoshi and Lios belongs to me.

Aily belongs to AlexBluez

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