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Manga Mercury Bubbles Chibi by galacticpink

Manga Mercury Bubbles Chibi


Part of an Inner Soldier charm set I'm designing! Second one, Sailor Mercury in her first manga uniform! The earrings definitely surprised me in their color (I was aware that she always had three in the manga), but it matched across multiple artbook sources (kind of a miracle given Naoko was hardly consistent at times). Had a bit of trouble getting the colors right, but those bubbles came out beautifully and I'd have to experiment a lot to get them right again!

Art (c) MugenGinga
Sailor Moon (c) Naoko Takeuchi et al.


  • Link

    I love the heart shape in the bubbles! Super cute. ^^

    • Link

      Thanks! I swear I would have never gotten those bubbles to look as good without a great tutorial by Apofiss over at deviantArt!