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Rasa Species Reference by fullmetalshadowwolf

Rasa Species Reference


At the moment these are not an open species.

Species reference sheet for my Rasa critters. I couldn't include all the information about them on one sheet, so any questions, just ask.

This is whats called their true form, in that usually they appear human-like, only possessing clawed feet, hands ( only a single set of arms ) a tail and their pointed ears. Their teeth also remain pointed and tongue chipped ( except formatted for a human skull ). Their ‘human’ appearance is thought to make them appear less threatening, and is almost comparable to a ‘disguise’.
Which form they spend the most time relates to a Rasa’s occupation. Eg. Those in the military or the Elite Royal Guard spend almost all their time in their true form.

Rasa’s exist in a world co-inhabited by humans, with Rasa’s in control of most forms of power. Humans are generally disliked as the ‘weaker’ species and most are prevented from moving into positions of any influence. Despite this dislike, the murder or consumption of Humans is illegal, and punishments are severe for those that are caught and successfully prosecuted.

Rasa’s can possess markings. Typically markings are fairly limited and do not cover the whole body. They also are normally light colors/shades

Note: Brightly colored flesh does not glow.

Note 2: Rasa’s are commonly compared or referenced as ‘Sharks’. It’s become a widely-used term.

Current Rasa-assholes in existence

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