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[Impling] Summoning by Fortuna

[Impling] Summoning


Implings and a work in progress. Please do not use their lore for your own without asking first :)

Spell: Summon Impling

Difficulty: Medium
Although Implings are generally classified as a comparably "easy" Summon in that most summoners can learn to summon at least a basic Impling without all too much trouble, more complex and powerful implings can be accomplished with more extensive training.
It should be noted that even basic implings can come out deformed, sickly or otherwise weakened unless the summoning is performed correctly.

reagents: Varying

Although the materials required for an basic impling are fairly inexpensive, more experienced summoners may add a variety of regants to produce a more specialised or more powerful Impling. Caution must be taken with regant use as even very small flaws in the spell or summoning circle may produce unwanted or unstable Implings. As an example, unless properly specified with appropriate runes, an impling intended for aquatic use may take on the wooden aspect of the bowl containing the water rather then the water itself, or even a mixture of both elements.

Preparation and setup:

Be VERY thurough in cleaning your summoning area before attempting an Impling summon. Stray insects, cobwebs or cat-hair can produce unwanted results during the melding stage. Always keep a grounding crystal close at hand during any kind of summoning to mitigate stray magic.*

*The University will not be held responsible for property damaged or mutated by wild magic!

The Melding stage, also known as Molding or Fusing stage, is the most crucial stage of an Impling summoning where the physical form of the Impling is created. This stage varies greatly in difficulty depending on the regants used to produce the desired Impling. Make sure your regants used for melding are pure and correctly placed in your circle.

As Implings are prone to absorbing leftover magic, there is generally little to no clean-up required after an Impling Summon appart from the basic clean-up of leftover regants. Be sure to remove away any remains of your summoning circle unless placed in a secure location.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Fabulous work on the candles and flames! :)

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      Thanks ^_^
      I do have a preferance for warm colors :)

      • Link

        You're very welcome! :D