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Slime Friends by xX_ThaReelSketchyGenet_Xx

Slime Friends


I took a step back, my round, pudgy rump, thick thighs, and overweight belly wobbling heavily as the moving, expressive jellies surrounded me, one of them pushed up against my knees, another behind it, my staggering not fast enough to keep them from tumbling me backwards. I felt them slide around my body, pinning my arms and legs down to the ground, my arms completely immovable in their gooey jelly. I panted and blushed up brightly as one of them slid onto my chest, with a vacant stare, pressing up against my lips, until eventually my jaws were parted with a nervous squeak, they kept moving around me as the one began forcing its way down my throat, sliding down, much faster than my throat could keep up with it. I felt my stomach immediately fill, and begin stretching out, ballooning out on top of me. I moaned and wiggled as it completely disappeared down my throat, leaving me panting and groaning as the next one curled around the back of my head, and began feeding itself to me as well, my belly already feeling like it was going to pop.

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Visual / Digital