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Noel's Christmas-A Gift #1 by Forest

Noel's Christmas-A Gift #1


Finally! This is a project I've had brewing in my mind for close to 4 years now. I always found an excuse not to start it, cause it's a massive undertaking for me: 20+ pages, multiple new characters, more detailed background and poses and angles than I've worked with before...I finally decided that, with everything that happened this year, I might as well give it a shot, or I might never get the chance to. I'm going to give it my very best shot, and we'll see how it goes.

In any case, here's the first 5 pages of Noel's story, an introduction to the silly setting and lore I have in place for this world. There's going to be plenty of tums and cuteness in my signature style, so I hope it's still well received. It's gonna get real silly later on, but still (hopefully) pass on a message I've felt for a lot of my life, that I try to put forward in the Tao of Forest comics: finding your own way through life by finding yourself. We'll see if I succeed by the end of this, haha.

I also wanted to actually write a story that "has conflict, but with no real antagonist". There's no "big bad" or anything to fight directly, it's more about how the characters deal with themselves, and come to terms with that, or learn something new about themselves. As I said, we'll see how well I do! I have it written out from start to finish, I just need to actually execute it well.

In any case, thank you all for always supporting my silly endeavors, and I'm hoping you all enjoy the next 15 or so pages of cute chubby reindeer, magical silliness, and (hopefully) lots of fun.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

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