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Artwork for Catamancer by FlashW

Artwork for Catamancer


Catamancer is future card game, main characters are - many kind of cats: big, small, wild, domestic.

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    this is gorgeous work, and i really love your fur detail... but the inclusion of the headdress is extremely problematic. those are sacred to a very specific culture/nation of indigenous americans, and using them casually in artwork is very culturally insensitive.

    i have a feeling you didn't know about the complex issues surrounding such symbology, since you seem to be not from the US... so just consider me a friendly, educational comment. please avoid using sacred native symbology in future works of art unless you are sure you're representing the related culture(s) properly.

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      you're annoying, I will use in my artwork what I will want, because it is just fantasy. Don't like - don't watch. And don't replie me, please.)

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        fantasy isn't an excuse for disrespect. note: i found this on the front page. i don't watch you.

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      Dude chill, it isn't that deep. He's just a cat XD

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        "it isn't that deep."
        which is why the use of sacred, closed culture imagery is inappropriate.

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          Art shouldn't be limited by overly sensitive people. You really are making a big deal about this on picture of a cat.

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            white people are continuing to commit a centuries-long genocide against the cultures being misrepresented here. i'm not being overly sensitive; you're being *in*sensitive.
            also, i've not yelled or cursed at all, so... not sure why you're assuming that i'm pitching a fit, angry, or "making a big deal." i am attempting to educate someone who clearly needs it, since neither of you understand why this is a problem.

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              You really are. A cat wearing feathers on it's head is not racial genocide. Regardless, you whining about it isn't going to change what the artists wants to put in his or her pictures.