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Wandering Woulfe (feat. Woulfe) by FJparadox06

Wandering Woulfe (feat. Woulfe)


First post here, mainly because the person I made this for doesn’t have FA…

I screwed up the mouth colors and the moon’s size on that first drawing, I know; I’m incorrigible.

  1. Woulfe put the earth’s moon in his mouth, being the massive puppy he is. Despite his ludicrous size, the wolf had the playfulness of a cub, and was just as gentle and soft; the planet’s inhabitants were simply buried under fluff and denim from the giant. Nobody was hurt, and no damage had been announced at all since the canine’s arrival.

  2. Sometimes the already-massive Woulfe would grow to even larger sizes, even surpassing that of a galaxy. This time, he had outgrown the Milky Way Galaxy, and he smirked as he slowly moved both of his celestial paws towards the cosmic dust. When the pads made contact with the speck of a galaxy, Woulfe murred, for he could feel the tiny planets and stars massage his mighty (albeit pillowy) soles. Miraculously, the celestial bodies were unharmed, for the uber wolf’s feet were quite gentle and soft.

  3. On occasion, Woulfe would wander around in the fur, as it proves more relaxing than his tight denim shorts. Every so often, though, his vast tail would catch planets and their moons and take them (and any potential inhabitants) for a ride of their lifetime, as well as a view of the largest moon they could ever intake. The uber wolf would eventually return them to their proper place, if he manages to remember…

Gift for Woulfe Woulfe

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Visual / Traditional