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Hope on Dark Coloured Wings by Feather Dancer

Hope on Dark Coloured Wings

Feather Dancer

Colour will return one day to these fields of battle - For today we remember lest we forget.

For those who left home on behalf of others,
To those who returned, those who have lost,
To those who remained alive only in whisper and memory,
From times past to times now,
Those still fighting, those still recovering.

We honor you and your memories on this day so that the past may never be forgotten so that we may learn for what may come in the future.

We will remember you.


This year I was struggling a bit for an idea when on my twitter feed came one of the Raven Master tweets of whom I recently followed. The raven has had an odd mythology here, both as an ill omen as tends to happen sadly but also as one of hope as long as they reside in the Tower of London. They're an intrinsic part of our culture and being the 100th anniversary for the end of World War 1, it felt more fitting than ever to have something to reflect that.

Last years edition -

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