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Entirety animal Species: Gig!ten by FamiliarAlien

Entirety animal Species: Gig!ten


Entirety has many things including what could be consider a true kaiju. While Cellon is a planet more known for its enormous fauna it cannot compete with one of the largest known single unit lifeforms in the universe found on the planet Igelin. The Gig!ten are so big you can barely see the human in the height comparison. They measure anywhere between 75 to 80 METERS in height. Just go google a building that tall that's relatively close to where you live, go there, stare up and you have comprehension of how far you'd need to climb to get on the top of their back hump. Heck the largest known dinosaur was only a 1/4 the height of Gig!ten.

This species is incredibly rare (thank goodness) and is often nicknamed a walking mountain because... it pretty much is that. It take 400 years for them to reach full height just due of how giant it is. If you're wondering how these things eat, as they're cold blooded, they only eat a few times a year where they go and eat basically anything edible that stand in their way. They live so long there's really no rush to bump into another individual to mate. To ease your nightmares reproduction is done outside the body where a single egg is fertilize by the male after the female has laid it.
If you're wondering Gig!ten are indeed a distant relative of Bli!gira so they do have a lot of similar physical features though they are a much more ancient species, they've changed very little in hundreds of millions of years.
Also if you're wondering about temperament despite the angry brow they aren't really aggressive... they don't really have to be in order to be terrifying though. They seem to be rather intelligent but its hard to really know since they sleep for the vast majority of their life. What is known is they exist as a testament of exactly how big things out there in the universe can get.

So enjoy!

Entirety and all creatures related to it belong to me

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