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Gene version 3.0 by FamiliarAlien

Gene version 3.0


Finally finished Gene's new ref! Tried to keep things simpler both in their actual design as well as the sheet itself.

Btw if you want a summary of those design changes, because there's a lot of subtle ones, without having to look up Gene's old art:

  • Body is stockier now, less bottom heavy.
  • Head shape has been simplified.
  • Snout is slightly shorter.
  • Hair fluff is fluffier.
  • Tail is now crescent moon shaped instead of a tube
  • Dewlap now only overlaps part of collar (usually in front only). Makes it easier to understand the silhouette.
  • Glasses are small and sit atop the snout in a cartoonish manner
  • skin folds around hands have less folds, make to look like toon gloves.
  • Fur patterns are less complex, back pattern made into a spot instead of attach to the rest of the form.
  • Mouth now has a small area for the lip to actually rest on? Not sure how to word that one.
  • Eyes and teeth now has their own dedicated palette color instead of are like purple like the fur.
  • Collar no longer has little stars on it (it was an easily missed detail tbh)

Hopefully that's all of it!

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Visual / Digital