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Number 005- Selle by FamiliarAlien

Number 005- Selle


A powerful and chaotic mutant behemoth that was artificially created by humans. Selle supposed day job is being a doctor though they act far more like a mad scientist than anything.

Congratulation to everyone that voted on that Twitter poll I made for goose because they officially unlocked this nightmarish thing from the depth of my mind!
Anyway if this character seem a little familiar its because they're a huge redesign of a older OC with the same name. New!Selle is completely different up to the fact them having boobs and curves being arbitrary rather than because girl. Selle's creation likely involved a lot of dead humans across all sorts of spectrums: age, gender, sex, race, etc... this just happened kinda like of all the random animals used in this experiment "Canadian goose" ended up being the one to stick out.

As a last thing to note if it wasn't obvious this is a gag character. Not only for being basically vaguely terrifying looking but with big boobalors but also in my hypothetical game Selle would be ludicrously difficult to befriend. Not like an RNG thing I mean the side quest would be hours long and involve a battle that likely will take several attempts to beat. The good news is at least Selle is actually useful in combat so its.... sorta worth it...?

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