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Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town by FamiliarAlien

Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town


I figured Aywas Alien attempt 2 was a silly title so I came up with a much better one. Anyway unfortunately the pet alien I wanted to submit to Aywas turned out to be too humanoid so I couldn't use it. I was going to work on my own thing this week but I was super under the weather thus instead I designed a brand new alien for it.

Funny enough I was really aiming for any style but for whatever reason this came out more... Don Bluth drawn style for whatever reason if that makes any sense. Just a lot less grotesque than my usual stuff and more like something from a Disney like movie.

Oddly I had described this as an alien dog but the finished product reminds me of a cat too. Its a nice kinda blend that it could be honestly either. So enjoy, hopefully this one gets accepted!

EDIT: got feedback back already and the staff says the design is fine so yay :D

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    O_o That is certainly quite crazy and bizarre, especially the extra head inside the throat. Yet the face still manages to be rather cute - I love that giant smile and the three eyes. =)

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      eep sorry for forgetting to reply to this. I haven't been checking my art accounts much. Thanks for the comment :D funny enough the title is the title of a opening song to an anime.
      Here's the full version of it. Decided to link this one since I think there's less change youtube will delete it.

      • Link

        That's OK, I'm pretty bad at keeping up with sites too! And ahh, I see. I haven't watched Jojo's Bizarre Adventure but it is on my list of things to watch someday . . . along with about a million other things so I'm not sure if I'll ever actually get to it. =| Would you recommend it?

        • Link

          Yeah though I'll add a little disclaimer: Jojo's bizarre adventure is pretty violent especially in the first two parts, there's also references to sexual assault but we don't actually see anything graphic relating to it (thank goodness!). Those are just two things I know can really mess with people so I rather not just recommend the series without bringing it up since that's not everyone's cup of tea.

          • Link

            Ahh I see, thanks for the warning. I can be a bit uncomfortable about those things depending on how they're represented. I'm not sure when I'll ever get around to checking the series out anyway, but I'll definitely keep that in mind so I'm prepared.