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0110, The Dragoness by Fafnear

0110, The Dragoness



Codename - Dragoness
Real Name - Unknown, Responds to 0110
Occupation - Criminal (?)
Based In - Gotham City
Eye Color - Blue
Hair Color - Brown
Height - 5'7"
Weight - 160 lbs

The following file was pulled from a destroyed Stagg Enterprises computer following a Joker attack on a Stagg building. The computer was found buried in an underground lab, off the grid from investors and the world in general. Some information has been corrupted beyond recovery.

Subject: Experiment 0110
------Was not given a 'Human name' to avoid attachment by [CORRUPTED].
Age: Approximated to be about 25 after [CORRUPTED] was applied.
Genetic Modifications:
-Flying Fox Fruit Bat
-Cinereous Vulture
-Big Horn Sheep
-Percival's Spiny Mouse
-Aldabra Giant Tortoise (EMERGENCY ADDITION)

Mother was brought in on [CORRUPTED] in the latest batch of humans. I think they said this one was a druggie. Won't be missed.

In vitro fertilization took, neither the egg nor the woman's body rejected the gene mutated material. Time will tell if she can carry the creature to term.

Date [CORRUPTED], the mother is giving birth earlier than we planned. Seems the Mouse DNA had an effect we did not expect. Going to have to quickly find a solution.

[CORRUPTED], it has only been a month since subject 0110 was born, but she has the appearance of a ten year old. We might have a solution, but we fear loosing this one. She is the first successful birth with all of the genetic changes we made.


Success! The addition of the tortoise DNA seems to have slowed the subjects aging. Now, the training can begin.



The rest is corrupted. Must find out what was done as it may hold vital information to defeating her.

It appears this Subject 0110 was held in this laboratory for years. Evidence from last encounter suggests she was being trained for military use. She is currently 'employed' under Joker. He probably discovered her during the attack, possibility being he freed her. She seems to have a similar immunity to Jokers toxins, though we are unsure if this is because of her genetic modifications, or something Joker did. Everything else is an Unknown at this time.

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