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Homonculus by Fablepaint



you feel weird about yourself sometimes

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    Oooh - the title and the description just reminds me of that neural map illustrated to display how much neural surface area is dedicated to each major body part, and where on the brain they are located. That, and 'Wonderland Syndrome' felt by a lot of migraineurs, which include a sensation of limbs attenuating/stretching out, being in locations that they are not, and/or the feeling of being 'too big' or 'too small' for the given area/room that they are in. I've experienced a decent amount of that myself, and I think it's freaking cool. I don't need drugs - my brain does all the work for me XD.

    I love stuff like this - thank you for sharing! <3

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      Yeah, I've seen the homonculus from psychology. That and some personal experience inspired this. Mostly on like, what do I tend to focus on? What body parts do I think stand out or do I become hyper aware of? And especially when I'm on the verge of falling asleep, that sensation of feeling like your arm is extending out to the other end of the universe or that you're both an infinitesimal dot or infinitely huge really wracks you hard. Not disturbing, just interesting and worth remembering for it's strangeness. Really brings to mind that our sense of scale in the universe is mostly determined by external stimuli. Once your brain just lets loose, it can go gobblety gook with your physical perception.

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        Oh, tell me about it! : D I've definitely come up against similar sensations, and am endlessly fascinated by it. I think it's really quite awesome, though if thought about too much can be very psyche-shaking. Thoughts of allusions to a Matrix-esque solipsism are easy to come by for me if I get too philosophical about my brain's attempt to make sense of one's body with little to no external stimuli.

        Yay brain weirdness! : D