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Take My Cringy Old Artwork!! by EzriArt

Take My Cringy Old Artwork!!


characters - owners
art - ezriart, 2007 - 2012

It's pretty weird when you look at your old work sometimes. Some of these I actually really like, others...I'm slightly ashamed that they were birthed from MY hand! Hahaha!
I actually post these for one main reason - to show you my progress. Because a lot of times I get people asking me "How did you get so good??" and when I say "I practiced! A LOT!" they seem to not believe me. But, with everything shown here, I think this is DEFINATELY proof of how far I've come, even in just the few years that appear in this image alone. I may revisit some of these ideas.

Most characters are mine, but there's some guests:

Goddess-Mayura's Mortal Kombat Fancharacter with Stryker (at top)
Barennoso with minecraft shit at the top right, and his face down a few rows on the left.
FK-Central Aqua Woman toward top left, and OC 2 below that one.
RonanDarksky's sona, a bit in the middle of the top-ish?
saga1941 as a demon, next to Ronan's
KatTheFoxtaur in the sketch pile at the bottom
CRUCIFY-ORPHEA in the sketchdump at the bottom took my sketch and made it AWESOME + a gift I did for her
JamesmanTheRegenold's old OC's, 3 of them (one on the right of Ronan's, one next to christmas chibi, one at very bottom next to russian guy)
My friend Zach (who vanished??)
House is in there somewhere
David Gilmour in there too
probably more but eh you get the point....

Also...sorry for all the watermarks. Sadly I lost all of these files a LONG time ago so this is what I managed to salvage of it. It's low quality anyways, so ah whatever. ENJOY MY SHITTY OLD ART! YAY!

Any you would like to see redrawn? Why?

Art by EzriArt. Character(s) to respective owners. Not available for commercial use, except for by client with a commercial use lease or license. All rights reserved. Please do not alter, trace, copy, redistribute, or steal without the express permission of EzriArt. The views expressed in the image above do not necessarily reflect those of EzriArt.

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