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Illusive (by Nate Day) by etheras

Illusive (by Nate Day)


He grinned to himself as he watched the swirling storm on the surface of the magnificent sun, fires of crimson and blue warring on the surface in a savage dance. It was so beautiful... So marvelous and majestic that he was told he could not witness it. He was told that, to look upon a thing of such power and brilliance as the surface of a star would cost him his vision. But not one to be told what to do, he watched it anyway, and it had destroyed his sight. But also not one to accept the consequences, he had the best surgeons in the galaxy fit his eyes with mechanical retinas, and returned to his base in orbit around that violent star, now able to witness it without danger...

Now he would sit, staring out at that sun, immune to its power behind the radiation-shielded tinted windows of his office with his glowing cybernetic eyes, contemplating the deeper questions of the Universe, and how he could exert his influence upon it. The view soothed him, and cleared his mind, and allowed him to formulate his plan...

But now it was almost time. The Plan had been set in motion long ago, and piece by piece, it was coming to fruition. He took a drag from a long stemmed cigarette holder, let the warmth eddy in his mouth, and let the fragrant smoke drift from his nose. He smiled... He was going to capitalize on it all. The Collector base was his, and the best scientists that could be bought were combing over the last pieces of the ancient derelict. And once the great Reaper menace had been ground under his paw, he would use the power he had acquired through his agents to bring the rest of the Galaxy to the feet of the mighty Canid race.

Canidity First - that was the motto - and it was all thanks to the greatest of his agents... who was due to check in any moment now.

Etheras traced the rim of his glass with a finger, making it sing, as the hologram of his loyal Dog appeared before him. The fennec grinned, "Welcome back, Commander Shepard. I have an assignment for you..."

Starting out with the classics, of course. :) This Nate did this for me for the release of Mass Effect 3, which unfortunately was a bit of a letdown for me. I'm still hoping that at-some-point they'll like... I dunno... redo it and end it better.

... at least the artwork is good... >.>

Artwork by NateDay
Etheras the Fennec (c) Etheras

Still learning how to use this site... hm.

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    is it bad that i just happen to see this on my notices while i have ME paused on the xbox? :D

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      Why would that be bad? O.o

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    if you want to link to someones page "!" "[ 'username or random name']" "(user:"username")" without the " "

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      BB codes have been standardized for about... oh... two decades or so. Unfortunately I don't really have the time or patience to customize the text of my posting for the eccentricities of venues who choose to go against established conventions. My text will have standard conventions, and if Weasyl doesn't support them, they will be poorer for it (I doubt I am alone in this).

      Note that FA, SF, IB and most other sites support standard BB codes. They might expand on the codes, but the basic set... as I said.. has been around since maybe 1990 or so? Maybe older? A long time, in any case.

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      Sorry, I just re-read my response and it sounded quite rude. I didn't intend for it to sound that way. You were just trying to help, and I am thankful for that. I just wanted to say that.... BB codes were standardized for a reason... it was so that people could cross-post without editing text, and learning the conventions of every new site. Weasyl doesn't want to follow the conventions and that's their choice... but I choose not to edit my text just because they want to be different. So my posts here won't look as nice here as on other sites.

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        you should still be able to use BBcode

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          Nah its different. Some might have ported, but a lot of it hasn't. Including user citation, which is pretty common these days, and also line-break. 5 hyphens is line break for BB, but here its paragraph emphasis (which you can see above).

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    I was just playing ME2 a couple days ago. If the Illusive Man looked like that, I might be more inclined to work with him. Nice done, Etheras.