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007 Gets The 'Girl' by etheras

007 Gets The 'Girl'


My name is Dela Fay; Etheras Dela Fay.

That's right - James Bond #23 "SKYFALL" opens tonight! Word has it that it is the greatest James Bond film to date. Are any of you excited? I know I am! So excited, in fact, that I drew a pic and commissioned a short series which I will be uploading throughout the day to end just after I get out of the film tonight.

This is part of a series. To see the rest...
[url=]-(PART 1)-[/url]-(PART 2)-[url=]-(PART 3)-[/url][url=]-(PART 4)-[/url]

And I wrote a story that goes along with it. It is adult, so only the family-friendly parts will be posted here. To read the full story you will have to go to:

Artwork is by the amazing NateDay
Carson the Horse is (c) nevadafurry (his player)
Etheras the Fox is (c) me! :)

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